As daughters of the King, securely upheld in his right hand, whom shall we fear? Nothing! Affirmed through a vivid description of our heavenly Father that transcends the Old and New Testament, God’s right hand is a special place of honor from which he demonstrates power and authority, promises protection and salvation, and provides a source of strength. God’s righteous right hand is also where Jesus sits to intercede for us!
These are truths on which we can rely! His right hand is where we can
securely rest, peaceful in the protection he provides, free of fear, and filled with hope.
With only one minor edit, I want to share the following song with you that I wrote my senior year of college. It is my prayerful invitation to join hands together with God and one another as we continue on the journey.
God’s Right Hand We Hold
Will you think and pray for me
As I think and pray for you?
While we’re apart in time and space
It’s all that we can do.
Our lives are held in God’s hands,
He is in control.
When so many things tear us away,
God’s right hand we hold.
We both call God our Father,
Our bond is more than friends.
And through the blood of Jesus,
The friendship never ends.
P.S. A very special birthday shout-out to my mom, Jocelynn Goff, who has always encouraged me to cling to God's capable hand.