My thumbs are black. Not green. I did not get the gardening genes in the family. I tend to overwater or neglect the plant and end up killing it.
But, oh, how I appreciate homegrown vegetables, fresh herbs, and flowers!
It takes time, patience, and dedication. It takes good earth, water, and sunshine. And the most important part? Faith.
“Who plants a seed beneath the sod and waits to see, believes in God.”
This quote was cross-stitched by my mom and hung in the home of my farming grandparents in Iowa for years. Since both of my dad’s foster parents have passed, my mom now has the framed cross-stitch back in her possession.
The quote accurately and adequately describes what it is really all about for those in the hands of the Divine Gardener—growth, rest, security, and all the other blessings are all a fruit of our faith.
What does it mean for you to be in the Hands of the Divine Gardener?