As one more reflection of delight, I would like to share with you a poem shared by one of the small groups with all of the women at the Enterprise Boulevard Ladies’ Mini-Retreat.
In one of the small group assignments, they were encouraged to create their own song of praise or shout of joy, just as Miriam, Deborah, and Mary had done.
The kiwi group decided to use a similar pattern as Psalm 136, so their poem became a responsive reading at the end of the retreat (shared below).
Our God gives healing,
Our delight is in the Lord forever.
He abundantly provides all our needs,
Our delight is in the Lord forever.
He is faithful through all generations,
Our delight is in the Lord forever.
Peace, perfect peace in the midst of the storm,
Our delight is in the Lord forever.
For giving joy and delight in teaching his word,
Our delight is in the Lord forever.
The Holy Spirit makes us aware He is working in our life,
Our delight is in the Lord forever.
He sends angels in our hour of need,
Our delight is in the Lord forever.
The heritage of those who fear your name,
Our delight is in the Lord forever.
God hears and answers when we call,
Our delight is in the Lord forever.
As iron sharpens iron,
Our delight is in the Lord forever.
What line would you add to this song of delight?