When I moved back to Baton Rouge from Venezuela in the spring of 2007, I prayed that God would provide some Christian sisters that could be like iron sharpening iron, encouraging me, and praying for me. I knew it was probably going to be a difficult transition back to life in the U.S. and wanted God´s help to pave the way.
The manifestation of that answered prayer became additional inspiration for the definition of an Iron Rose Sister.
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In honor of those ladies, I would like to issue a challenge with a prize attached.
Challenge: Post a picture to the Iron Rose Sister Ministries Facebook page of you and some of your Iron Rose Sisters by the end of this weekend. Be sure to tag your friends and include your location.
Prize: Monday morning, September 14, one of the pictures will be randomly selected and the one who posted the picture will receive a free copy of In God’s Right Hand!