Later this week, I will share several of the blessings from this past weekend’s retreat, but first, I would like to introduce this month’s theme: Fear or Faith?
What does fear look like? Is it always the trembling hands, the knocking knees, the knot in the stomach, or the terror-filled eyes?
What does faith look like? Does it echo the examples of the Heroes of Faith in Hebrews 11? Is it reflected in the small day-to-day decisions or only the big ones?
Every circumstance provides the opportunity to respond with fear or faith.
But is it an either/or? Is there even a need for faith if the situation isn’t fearful?
Fear is focusing on the circumstances.
Faith is focusing on the God who is bigger than all circumstances.
Fear is assuming the worst.
Faith is trusting that God can work out all things for good.
Fear is paralyzing.
Faith is freeing.
Fear weakens.
Faith strengthens.
How would you define the two?