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This evening, the Downtown Church of Christ will begin the Women’s Retreat inspired by The Story (edited by Randy Frazee), that the church is reading this year. The theme for the retreat is “This is My Story.” Women will have the opportunity to share their stories and highlight God’s place in their story.
The Story Sharers were invited to provide a list of things that meant a lot to them in that stage of their story, and specific ways that women can help and support one another during difficult times.
Want to guess what one of the top suggestions was? Yes, indeed. Prayer. And notes of encouragement that simply stated you are praying.
Many have boxes of treasured cards and notes that have verses of encouragement written out or a short statement in prayer—a reminder that we are not alone in the difficult times and that we are going to the Father on that person’s behalf.
I have no doubt that you know someone who is facing a challenging time in her story: grief, pain, illness, stress, or just a bad day… So, take a moment to pray—to truly pray for that person—and then sent them a note, card, Facebook message, or text letting them know that they have been lifted up in prayer. The cost of a piece of paper and a stamp is minimal compared to the positive impact and reminder of hope that it can impart in someone’s life.
May prayer become a highlight in your story today.
One of the things we are passionate about as a ministry is small groups.
The books I write are designed to be studied in small groups.
After every class in the seminars, we provide handouts with guided discussion questions to be answered in the context of small groups. It brings the lessons to a much more personal and practical level, rather than just the theoretical with examples I have shared during the teaching.
By opening up in the setting of small groups, we learn from each other’s perspectives and grow in our relationships with God and one another.
Another of the other vital aspects of small groups is prayer.
By praying together, we help carry each other’s burdens (Gal. 6:2), spur one another on (Heb. 10:24), rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn (Rom. 12:15).
Prayer forges bonds that Satan cannot break.
Prayer points us to the Father and puts us in step with the Spirit, as we follow the example of Christ.
Phone a friend and pray together today. Set up a time to grab coffee with some friends—beyond just a time of catching up—be intentional about lifting each other up in prayer while you are together.
And I want to personally invite you to participate in a small group study in which you spend time praying together, studying the Word together, and deepening your relationships with God and one another. We have two interactive Bible studies available for purchase through our website (Human AND Holy and In God´s Right Hand: Whom Shall I Fear?—both books are available in English and Spanish).