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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR 72145
IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.
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I have moved a number of times in my adult life. And IRSM and I will be making another move… to Searcy, Arkansas.
After two years based out of Denver, Colorado, blessed by my involvement with the Northwest Church of Christ, and its members, I am bidding them adieu and relocating.
Cost-of-living in Denver and proximity to family are two of the primary factors in this decision. My sister and brother-in-law who have graciously and generously opened their home to me and the ministry for the past two years, are moving to Oklahoma, so it was time for me to vacate the basement and facilitate their putting the house on the market.
My parents live in Searcy and I will be reconnecting with many in the Harding University community, my undergrad alma mater.
The move across Denver is happening tomorrow, and the transition to Searcy will be the first week of August. I covet your prayers for me and for the ministry as we will be changing our home-base, but continuing to serve to equip women to connect to God and one-another more deeply across the Americas.
Note: We will keep the PO Box in Brighton, CO, active for approximately a year beyond the move. Stay tuned for additional details and updates.