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This past Sunday, one of the young families in the Hispanic congregation needed my help. They have three boys, the oldest of which is not quite four. The middle son, who is two, didn’t want to stay in the nursery during church, so the mom was helping him make the transition while dad took the four-month-old baby on to the church service, which had already started.
Just before communion, I heard a whisper, “Michelle, can you come watch the baby? I have to serve communion.”
“Of course!” I did not hesitate to move to the back row and watch the happy baby in the car seat on the floor. But did he stay in the car seat? Nope. Not on my watch.
During the rest of the service, even after mom and dad had both returned, the baby and I bounced and cooed, sang, smiled, and listened to the sermon. Well, I listened. He started to fight a nap, so I swung him in my arms until he fell fast asleep.
There is nothing like the joy of holding a sleeping baby in your arms. All the other stresses of life melt away when we take the time to absorb the joy of that moment, allowing all of our other thoughts and worries to disappear.
What is something in which you find joy?
The smell of freshly cut grass
A flower blooming in spring
A good sigh
Dinner with old friends
Coffee with a new friend
A sunset
Holding hands
The smell of your favorite dessert
Your favorite song comes on the radio
Be sure to make time today to find joy in the simple things!

This weekend, I will be speaking at a Ladies’ Day in Spanish for the Rural Hill Church of Christ in Nashville, Tennessee. The topic: Victorious and Joyful Women in Battle. Please join me in prayer for a blessed weekend, that God will speak through me, and that the women will be encouraged to be joyful in the process of obtaining victory.
Joy in the process toward victory. The topic this weekend is a perfect transition from our March blog theme to the theme for April: Joy and Contentment.
And the perfect example of joy in the process toward victory? Christ, himself.
“For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:2b-3)
What does it look like to be joyful? That is exactly what we will explore this month. Please share your answer to that question in the comments or as a blog post we can share with others!