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Thanks for joining us in the 24-hour Prayer-a-thon, Tuesday, February 24!
Here is a summary of the things we are praying for and a few updates from when the Prayer Guide was shared at the beginning of the month. (Downloadable PDF of this list for easy printing.)
· Women’s Bible Study Resources
o Writing for the 2nd book to be contracted with a traditional publishing company: Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word
o Writing for a 6-week study on God’s Right Hand to be self-published this year.
o Women currently studying Human AND Holy / Humano Y Santo across the Americas
· Thanksgiving
o Non-profit status approved last year
o Reaching all 19 Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America and over half of the 50 U.S. States
o The doors God has opened thus far
§ Luz para las Rosas (Light for the Roses) IRSM 2-3 minute radio spot for women in Spanish on La Voz Alegre (World Christian Broadcasting Spanish Program)
· Requests
o God’s Provision
§ Financial: Churches and individuals
§ Workers
· Intern in Denver, Katie Finch, June 8 – July 29
· We would love for YOU to get involved!
o God’s Blessing for
§ Your local women’s ministry
§ Women’s ministries across the Americas
§ The impact we can make in the kingdom, in families, in churches, and in communities
§ IRSM Board of Directors
§ IRSM Supporters
o God’s Guidance
§ That God will lead us to the right opportunities and open doors for growth, and the resources to make it possible
§ To reach even more women with the tools to connect with God and one another more deeply
· Speaking Engagements:
o March 13-14, Eastside Church of Christ, Colorado Springs, CO, Hope Renewed: Victorious and Joyful in Battle
o April 4, Rural Hill Church of Christ, Nashville, TN, (Spanish), Victorious Women
o April 17-19, Wonder Woman Conference, Parkway Church of Christ, Sacramento, CA, Marvelous, Wonderful, Wise: Human AND Holy (English & Spanish), Single and Lovin’ It (Mostly), Falling in Love with Jesus
o May 11-14, Baxter Lectureships, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, (Spanish)
o May 16-17, Cole Mill Rd Church of Christ, Raleigh-Durham, NC (Spanish on Sat, English on Sun), Sisters Connected in Christ
o July 9-12, International Gathering of Churches of Christ, Orlando, FL (Spanish), Women’s Spiritual Health
o August 20-22, Health Talents International, Guatemala, Philippians
o October 1-4, Destination Retreat, Larkspur, CO, In the Hands of the Divine Gardener
o October 24 or 31, Redentor Church of Christ, Buenos Aires, Argentina, mini-retreat
o October 24 or 31, Cochabamba Church of Christ, Bolivia, Ladies’ Day
o November 7, Churches of Christ in Chile National Ladies’ Day in Santiago, Chile
· Booths Promoting IRSM
o April 17-18, Women Walking With God Conference, Wichita, KS
o May 5-8, Pepperdine Bible Lectures, Malibu, CA
“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now…” (Phil. 1:3-5)
Prayer is vital. At the end of the description of the armor of God in Ephesians 6, Paul speaks of the importance of prayer - a glue, of sorts, that holds the armor together in spiritual battle. He asks the Ephesians to join with him in prayer that he may proclaim the gospel fearlessly.
Prayer is relationship. Paul prays for others with joy because of the partnership they have in the gospel. Prayerful communication with God is a deepening of that relationship as well.
Prayer is powerful. James reminds us that the prayer offered in faith can make a sick person well or can bring rain upon the earth. “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16

In anticipation of our 24-hour Prayer-a-thon next Tuesday, I invite you to continue to be part of the Family of Prayer Warriors for Iron Rose Sister Ministries. We are a family and we cannot do this alone. Thank you and blessings on your weekend.