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Written by Michelle J. Goff, Founder and Executive Director of Iron Rose Sister Ministries
Second Timothy 2:2 is illustrated in the numerals of the upcoming year, 2022.
“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”
2—What you have learned…
0—It’s not about you.
2—Teach it to others…
2—Who will teach it to others.
2022 is a reminder of 2x2x2.
When Jesus sent out the 12 (Matt. 10)…
When Jesus sent out the 72 (Luke 10)…
When Jesus sent out all His disciples through the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20)…
Jesus modeled and taught what He asked them to model and teach, even today and in 2022.
2—What Jesus heard from His Father…
0—It wasn’t even about Him (John 12:49).
2—Jesus taught to others…
2—Who would teach others…
Because of Jesus’ teaching and His pattern of teaching to teach to teach, we are coworkers in His kingdom today.
As a ministry, Christ’s pattern of organic multiplication in teaching and Paul’s mentoring example, specifically in 2 Timothy 2:2, have been our model. What we plant, you water, and God brings the growth (1 Cor. 3:4-9). As such, we are “coworkers in God’s service.” And we are EXTREMELY GRATEFUL for your partnership as co-laborers in His vineyard.
We celebrate the growth that God has brought about in 2020 and 2021. In no way did God stop working during the pandemic! The growth He had planned for Iron Rose Sister Ministries has been fruitful in ways that give Him all the glory. The God-stories are infectiously told, bringing delight to our eyes and joy to our hearts… YOU have helped make them possible. Thank you!
As we move forward in 2022, may you also see the year number as a visual reminder of our mission and our vision. We invite you to partner with us in prayer and financially, whether a one-time donation of $22 or a pledge of $22/month. We value equally those who can contribute $2022 or $202, $2.22 or $202/month. We are content and we know that God will provide, as He has done in the past. However, we would love for your partnership with us to be “credited to your account” (Phil. 4:17).
In preparation for 2022 plans, just as Jesus sent out the 12, we have a goal of $12,000 for Giving Tuesday, November 30th. However, stay tuned… The way God multiplies our efforts, it will not take us fifty years (until 2072) to reach a Giving Tuesday goal of $72,000!
Blessings and thanks!
Written by Kat Bittner, volunteer and Board member for Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colorado
Genuine Christianity is best lived out by the gratitude we display!
I find gratitude to be a lost art. Today’s culture and society have become so consumed with the castigation of the past that an appreciation for the good things is waffling. We’ve become more mindful of the troublesome parts of life. Our focus often drifts toward the imminent burdens we bear in our body (physical) or mind (emotional) when we ought to be focused more on the divine (spiritual) matters for which we should be abundantly grateful. We who are in Christ have been gifted by God through the Holy Spirit to withstand a whole lot of affliction and come out the other side intact.
It behooves us then to be appreciative, knowing that we are perfected by God (James 1:2-3). It does our body and mind better to be preoccupied with Godly things instead of the contrary things of life. I don’t know one believer who has been tormented by thinking on divine and holy things. But I’ve known plenty, myself included, who have been overwhelmed with suffering by fixating on worldly matters. These matters are temporary items for we who are temporary occupants in this world. And abiding in the temporary demonstrates ingratitude for the eternal.
“Dear friends, I warn you as “temporary residents and foreigners” to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls.” (1 Pet. 2:11, NLT)
If we are to be of any influence on unbelievers or if we are to be true ambassadors for Christ, we must be grateful for what He has done (Eph 1:7). We must be grateful for who He is (1 John 4:14). We must be grateful for how He works (Heb 13:21). And we should be audibly demonstrating our gratitude.
“Then I will thank you in front of the great assembly. I will praise you before all the people.” (Ps 35:18)
The message of hope and God’s love can be spread to the unbelieving by our own gratitude for Jesus. What better way for the world to know Him than by our own proclamation of thanks?
“Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim His greatness. Let the whole world know what He has done.” (Ps. 105:1)
For gratitude to truly emerge in the world, we must emulate gratitude. We need to be “doers of the word” (James 1:22) and reveal Jesus to the world (Heb. 1:3). If we can convey to the world the hope of Jesus, the world is more likely to live in the good rather than reside in the bad.
“For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.” (Titus 2:11-12, NIV)
God has blessed us beyond measure. Beyond what we merit. That in and of itself is enough for which we should be thankful. How will your gratitude be visible and thereby testify of Jesus?