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Written by Michelle J. Goff
When Iron Rose Sister Ministries first began in 2013, Board President, Katie Forbess, and I, Founder, Michelle J. Goff, knew that God had called us to greater things than we could imagine (John 14:12). Yet we did take the time to verbalize some of what we imagined as dreams and long-term goals, asking God constantly, through prayer, to reveal when would be the right time to fulfill them, drop them, or redefine them.
To explain some of that foresight and vision God provided, when initially registering the name of the nonprofit in Colorado, Iron Rose Sister Ministries was chosen, for multiple reasons. Iron, like iron sharpening iron from Proverbs 27:17. Rose from the uniqueness of the roses in God’s garden, each in different stages of their growth, and more beautiful together, in spite of our thorns. Sister because of how we are sisters in Christ, but also left in the singular for two reasons: 1) We each have a personal responsibility to be that Iron Rose Sister in other women’s lives, and 2) in Spanish, the plural for sister, “hermanas,” as a term that, when used by itself, also means “nuns,” which we are not! Finally, Ministries, in the plural because the English name and U.S. based registered nonprofit would be the parent company (or “big sister”) for other ministries in other languages over time.
Along with the initial registration of our name, we also registered the name Ministerio Hermana Rosa de Hierro, the Spanish equivalent, (Hermana-Sister, Rosa-Rose, and Hierro-Iron). But if you notice, Ministerio is the singular form (not MinisterioS). This is because it is one of the “little sister” companies of Iron Rose Sister Ministries.
Since the beginning, we have placed a priority on providing the same resources in English and in Spanish, in addition to the ways we modeled the use of those materials in bilingual contexts. Over time, we have seen how different needs in each language have altered some of our offerings in each language, for example, publishing the Spanish blog three days/week and the English blog only once weekly.
We are now also privileged to introduce Ministério Irmã Rosa de Ferro, the Portuguese branch as we begin, in the first part of this year, to roll out Portuguese materials! The need for Portuguese resources to equip the more than 106.5 million women in Brazil has been on our radar since “across the Americas” has always been a facet of our primary vision statement. However, we did not envision what God would do to open doors in Portuguese-speaking Africa, specifically in Angola and Mozambique!
We have partnered with Luso African Missions Partners International (Luso is like saying Portuguese-speaking in Africa). Their purpose is to help facilitate the translation of Bible study materials into Portuguese. LAMP, Int’l’s director, Nathan Holland, and I have been discussing the need for Portuguese women’s materials for years, but during COVID shut-downs, the timing was right for LAMP, Int’l to initiate their services and for Iron Rose Sister Ministries to partner with them, as well as develop our own Portuguese Team. There will be an International edition of the books, highlighting the African dialects. And the Brazilian edition, which will be distributed in Brazil and in the U.S. A new Portuguese-speaking mission team in south Florida is excited to receive these resources, as well.
“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” (Prov. 19:21)
This proverb comes to mind as I reflect on the way God has used prayer to guide, and even transform the timing and the direction of the initial dreams. Prayer has been integral in the redefining that has taken place in Iron Rose Sister Ministries and her “sister” ministries:Ministerio Hermana Rosa de Hierro and Ministério Irmã Rosa de Ferro. It is our prayer that God continue to redefine our dreams and guide us each step of the way.
A special thank you to our Iron Rose Sisters and Iron Rose Sister Ministries Partners all across the world who continue to dream and grow with us through your prayers and your support!
Written by Liliana Henríquez, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colombia
"Two are better than one because…if one falls, the other raises him up…” (Ecc. 4:9-10). This passage is generally used when we speak about couples or marriages, but I have found that it also applies to prayer partners. I have had the joy of having very close friends with whom I have shared my most intimate prayer requests and we have come together to mutually intercede before God. Knowing that someone else is praying for my needs makes me feel appreciated and loved. And the fact that I can pray for the wishes of a dear friend allows me to express how much I love and appreciate her.
Partners of any kind have to be selected with great care and wisdom. Therefore, today I want to share with you some tips that could help you when choosing a prayer partner:
- Make sure you choose a prudent friend, who makes you feel confident that she will not divulge your requests.
- If possible, choose someone who is also going through the same situation that you are or who has the same desire or project. This may help you feel more empathy on her part. Example: a work issue, infertility, etc.
- Each one of you can write your requests on a piece of paper and exchange them.
- Match each request with a promise or passage of scripture. This will make you feel supported by God. For example: If your request is, "Lord, allow me to understand your will," you could use this Bible verse: " I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye" (Ps. 32:8 KJV).
- Prioritize your requests. As God responds, you can add other prayer requests.
- Define with your prayer partner, the time of the day when you will be connected in prayer. Some days you could pray from your home separately, and other days you could have a video call and pray together.
- Keep a written record with the start date of your prayers and the answers you receive from God as time progresses.
You will be surprised how quickly God responds when two people agree to intercede on a specific issue. It is God's will that we intercede for one another, “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints” (Eph. 6:18 KJV).
I encourage you not to pray alone, but to share your heart with a wise friend who can help you carry your burdens. Because two are better than one ...
Do you already have a prayer partner?
Can we help connect you with one?