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Written by Brenda Brizendine, Iron Rose Sister Ministries Communications Assistant in Colorado
Sarah is known as one of the women who God instilled with a great amount of kindness in her life. In Genesis 18, three heavenly characters visit her and Abraham to give them a promise that they had been asking for a long time.
In verse 12 we see Sarah’s reaction: Unbelief. She was reacting this way because she was seeing only the physical, what her eyes, senses, and reasoning dictated. Perhaps she hadn’t recognized who these messengers where that brought a word and a promise for her life. Maybe that’s why she thought in this way. But in verse 14, we read that God responds to Abraham, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”, and then reaffirming the given promise. Nothing is impossible with God; for Him there are no ages, there is no time, and there are no situations too hard.
Many times, we act and think like Sarah. We read in the Bible promises that are for us; what God left in His word is for us, which means that we can apply it to the situations we are facing in our lives. But we do not believe it, and we do not see that this is for us, because we think that we are not worthy of those promises and those answers that God has left in His word.
Today, I remember you; you are worthy of the goodness and mercy of the Lord. This was already delivered for you at the moment when Jesus decided to come to this earth and give His life because he loves you.
In Sarah and Abraham’s case, God gave them a promise that would have eternal effects. God has great purposes for you on this earth. Purposes and a mission that only you can fulfill, no one else. But many times, we focus solely on earthly life and lose sight of God's purpose for our life.
Sometimes, we don't get the answer we've been asking for because maybe we've been asking for earthly things or only focusing on earthly things. James alerts us to this in chapter 4:3, "When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures."
So, at the end of this year, in the midst of sad, painful or complicated circumstances that we may be going through, it is time to sit down and evaluate what we have been asking for, and why we have been going through these situations. We must seek the Lord and ask God for His mercy, but also His wisdom so that He can fulfill His purpose and His will in us, instead of us fulfilling our desire and our will.
Every time we approach the Lord, He in His infinite love speaks to us and straightens our way (Prov. 3: 5-6). That is when the words they spoke to Sarah in verse 18 will come to life in our hearts: "Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him."
I invite you to meditate on this question, and sincerely answer Him, Is there anything difficult or impossible for God?
I hope that this message can reach your understanding; enter your thoughts; and remove the doubt, frustration, and fear that is in your life. This will bring the Lord's answer to your need. As this year ends and a new year begins, may we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus (Heb. 12: 1-2), focused on the promises that the Great I AM has for our lives.
Written by Corina Diaz, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Buenos Aires, Argentina
One of my favorite letters is Colossians, especially since it has an interesting introduction and exaltation of Christ.
“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.” (Col. 1.15)
God, the Whole, is the invisible Creator of the universe. What beautiful words! However, something even more fantastic is perceiving that our faith transcends and surpasses what is visible in this world.
It gets more difficult to believe in things that we cannot see in our daily life, as this present time practically prevents it. We believe in supported science events which have evidence and reveal extraordinary results. However, Paul tells us that Jesus is the image of an invisible God. So, how is it possible to believe in the invisible? This is the magic of the power of God, to dwell in us invisibly, but not in an imperceptible way.
In Colossians 1:17, Paul clarifies the matter a little bit more for us, he gives us a couple of characteristics about Jesus: He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Jesus was already there before everything was created and gave shape to everything we know today. The fact of recognizing the creation as divine work is the greatest evidence of our faith in the invisible God.
We do not need to see God, because we see His works, and His most important work is us, the main ambassadors of Christ, co-heirs of the kingdom. Therefore, we are invited and responsible for participating with Christ in the redemption of the visible creation of an invisible God.