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Psalm 119, likely written by David, highlights the importance of a relationship with the Lawgiver, not just an adherence to His commands. With eloquent verse in acrostic form, the psalmist uses the letters of the Hebrew alphabet to describe the relationship that he has with the Lawgiver through His commandments, laws, ordinances, precepts, statutes, testimonies, ways, and words.
You may not know what all of the words in that list mean, but they each carry a different connotation. In a lawless land, the law brings order and peace. Without precepts and statutes, guidance is lacking. Commandments and ordinances may feel burdensome, yet they provide safety. Testimonies, ways, and words may sound gentler and more inviting—relational words that invite us into a greater story.
Truly, all facets of the law are for our good (Ps. 119:68). When the Lawgiver asks us to obey, it is for our guidance, strength, life, and comfort. Using just the first 80 verses of the Psalm, notice the language used to narrate the ebb and flow of relationship with God’s law. At times, the psalmist makes a definitive statement (Ps. 119:9, 30) and at other times, he seems to cry out for a reminder of his commitment (Ps. 119:5, 29, 66) or offer an appeal from a faithful servant (Ps. 119:10, 76).
Observe the phrases used to talk about the psalmist’s relationship with the law:
Walk in the path of it, observe it, keep it, guard it, store it in my heart, declare it, meditate on it, delight in it, fix my eyes on it, see it clearly, understand it, cling to it, run in it, long for it, trust it, seek it, lift up my hands to it, sing it, turn my feet to it, learn it, believe in it, treasure it, savor it, know it, hope in it...
Using this list of verbs in italics, which phrase serves as an invitation to you? Which is the biggest challenge?
These are not steppingstones along a straight-line path where one leads to another, nor is this an exhaustive list. However, these words can illustrate where we find ourselves in relationship with the law and with the Lawgiver. Now, read the same list of phrases in the context of the Lawgiver, instead of just the law.
Walk in the path of Him, observe Him, keep Him, guard Him, store it in my heart, declare Him, meditate on Him, delight in Him, fix my eyes on Him, see it clearly, understand Him, cling to Him, run in Him, long for Him, trust Him, seek Him, lift up my hands to Him, sing Him, turn my feet to Him, learn Him, believe in Him, treasure Him, savor Him, know Him, hope in Him...
Do you see the correlation between the law and the Lawgiver?
God’s law is a delight, not a burden; a relationship, not a set of rules! And these expressions of relationship with the law and the Lawgiver are all a part of our obedience.
Obedience is more than a burden we must bear. We can delight in obeying His law because it implies relationship with the Lawgiver, especially since the Lawgiver became flesh and became the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets (John 1:14; Matt. 5:17)! Are you delighting with me?
I invite you to discuss Psalm 119, sharing these questions and answers with an Iron Rose Sister. You can take turns reading sections of Psalm 119 and highlight the words you see to describe God’s law and how the psalmist interacts with it. Spend some time in prayer together over your mutual desire to delight in His word and His ways—to obey Him and invite others into a relationship with Him.
What is your reaction to Bible verses about obedience?
As a child, when I heard “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right” (Eph. 6:1), I was quick to point out verse 4, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children...” What I did not yet realize was the value of the second part of verse 4, “instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” And when I did my part in obedience, I facilitated the training and instruction God was providing through my parents.
We each have our part in obedience. If the elbow doesn’t do her part, the hand cannot be there to do hers. So it is with each of the members of the body... No one has the same gifts and talents as another, but when we are obedient to do our part, the church functions as a complete unit.
However, obedience according to our gifts is tricky. Our talents or a lack of talent in a certain area cannot be an excuse to not do what God has commanded each of us to do. Our obedience may look different, but God knows and tests the heart.
One of the most classic examples of this particular obedience excuse (based on talents) is related to the Great Commission, found in Matthew 28:18-20.
18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
“Go...” But God did not call me to be a missionary.
“And make disciples of all nations...” Short-term missions is not something I can do either.
“Baptizing them...” I don’t know enough Bible to study with someone about how to become a Christian.
“Teaching them to observe all I have commanded you...” But I don’t obey it all myself, so how can I teach someone else to observe His commands?
Let’s put some of these things in a different light:
Go and fix dinner, serving healthy, tasty food, and inviting others to share in the meal together.
“Go...” At the very least, you must get off your bum.
“And fix dinner...” Does it have to be from scratch?
“Serving healthy, tasty food...” I never learned how to cook, so healthy and tasty are a challenge for me.
“Inviting others to share in the meal together...” Yeah, if I don’t want to eat the food I cook, why would I want to invite someone else to eat it?!
How would you answer someone who presents these excuses for fixing dinner or for making disciples?
GO does not imply a destination, but rather an action.
MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS. 1 Corinthians 3 affirms that God is the one who brings the growth after we plant seed and water it. And while it is important to travel and spread the gospel to all nations, many of those nations are represented in our neighborhoods, classrooms, grocery stores, and everyday interactions.
BAPTIZING THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. Are you living a baptized life: Dead to self and alive with Christ; repentant from sin and walking in the light? Are you seeking opportunities to share the good news and inviting others into the resurrected life through baptism? “Lead me to some soul today” is a favorite prayer song to grow in obedience in this area.
AND TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THAT I HAVE COMMANDED. Whether modeling the cooking and preparation of a recipe or modeling the Christian walk, teaching is a life-long endeavor. Teaching is about relationship and teaching takes time, vulnerability, and investment in the person.
I am grateful for those who modeled such obedience. There is a part of my spirit that is not at peace if I am not studying the Bible with a non-Christian. I take no credit for this disquiet. Being mentored by evangelists and individuals who took the Great Commission seriously (Matt. 28:18-20), an expectation was created for obedience to that commandment.
They were obedient to do their part, enabling me to do my part. And when I am obedient to do my part, I facilitate the opportunity for others to be obedient, as well. What other examples come to mind about our part in obedience helping others be obedient?