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Written by Kathy Reagan, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Arkansas
God’s Word has many examples of women who were completely committed to God, and it will bless us to take a look at their lives and choices.
Matthew 27:55-56 (ESV) says that “many women” followed Jesus, and it names three in particular who ministered to Him, following Him from Galilee. Also in Luke 8:1-3, two more names pop up—along with the phrase “many others”— and it says these women, who followed along with Jesus and His disciples as they traveled from town to town, “provided for them out of their means.”
The mother of the sons of Zebedee is named, and what we know about her is that her husband owned a fishing business and James and John were her sons. Mary, the mother of James and Joseph, may have been Jesus’ mother. Mary Magdalene is mentioned, out of whom Jesus had driven seven demons. Joanna, the wife of Herod’s household manager, is also named, along with Susanna.
What did these women give up to follow Jesus?
Do you think they (and the many other women with them) had comfortable homes back in their hometowns? Possibly. Did they leave their families, their comfortable beds, and their familiar environments to follow Jesus along dusty roads into strange towns and villages to hear Him teach, and to provide His meals and other necessities out of their personal money? Yes.
They “walked by faith, not by sight” (2Co 5:7). Traveling was difficult in those days! No airplanes, trains, or cars. And for these people of limited means, horses or donkeys were not even an option. They walked anywhere they needed to go—slow, physically challenging, and dusty roads. Why? Because they “trusted in the Lord with all their hearts” (Pr 3:5). They were not choosing the comforts of this world; they were boldly stepping out of their comfort zones on faith—traveling to places they had never been, unsure of the reception they would get, not knowing when they would get to go back home. But they knew one thing: Jesus was with them! When was the last time we stepped out of our comfort zones for Christ?
They focused on Jesus, not allowing this world and its distractions to get in the way. Colossians 3:2 tells us to “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” They followed Him from town to town, drank in His teachings and His example, focusing on Him and not on what they were missing back home.
I’m reminded of the song we sing called, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” It says, “Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.” It is so true! Whatever we focus on becomes bigger. I know it may have been easier for these women to absorb Jesus and His teachings, hearing it from His own mouth, than it is for us now. But we do have His Words handy at our fingertips at any time of day. We need not travel hard every day to hear His teachings. It is just a matter of opening the Book. Do we drink in Jesus’ Word in our lives daily, like they did?
They put Him first in their lives. You know that as they followed Jesus, they heard Him teaching this: “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Mt 6:33) (referring to earthly necessities).
These righteous women were actively choosing God’s will over their own every day. They were traveling a hard road daily, sleeping in tents in a different place every night, spending their money to buy food and necessities for Him and His disciples so they could be with Him and learn from Him. They were following His example (even if not realizing it yet) from Luke 22:42, “Not my will but Yours be done.”
In what ways can we choose to put Jesus first in our lives today?
The excellent examples of these women who followed Jesus along the road can bless us today, as we see what their total commitment to Him looked like.
Sisters, I think it will bless each of us to ask ourselves a few simple questions, as we reflect on the wonderful examples these women left us.
What are we willing to give up to follow Jesus? Are we willing to step out of our comfort zones in faith for Him? Do we choose to focus on Jesus every day? Is “Not my will but yours” our standard in everyday life?
Written by Johanna Zabala, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Venezuela
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. (Jas 4:10, NIV)
The word humility connects me to the divinity of God. Today, I reflect on the depth of its meaning, which I have sought and seen so many times as I continually strive to live God’s purpose personally and spiritually.
I define humility as an act of the Spirit, which leads me to an attitude of the soul. Using the letters of the word, I break it down into the following characteristics:
Inclination (willingness)
Tenderness (love)
You serving the Heavenly Father
Each of the characteristics above has invited me, since the day I met Him, to stay in tune with Christ. By allowing me to be used by God, His beloved Son Jesus, and in the power of His Holy Spirit, I have seen His example of humility under submission, obedience, and continual awareness of putting the Father's will before my own, always with an eye toward the great goal that leads me to keep looking up to reach the prize of eternity.
I am also attentive to Peter’s admonition to “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time” (1Pe 5:6).
Therefore, being humble, in my experience, is a necessary spiritual action that undoubtedly brings me constantly into the presence of the Lord. In every area where I find myself, out there all around me, I require large portions of the Eternal Father's wisdom to be a humble child of God, chosen and called to service.
To be a child of God today, as the Bible says, is the greatest privilege I can have. It is a unique honor that has required in me great self-control.
At the beginning of my Christian life, I was filled with human pride, which counteracted humility in every situation. Many times, without realizing it, I felt self-sufficient, and my trajectory was more and more human than spiritual. I wanted to continue doing everything through my own strength rather than through God's. As time went by, I realized that I had to seek more vigorously at every moment the presence of God in everything, since only He knows and is capable of everything.
My first struggles, and the hardest, were with myself, thinking that I just needed to know that I had God, without the need to continue knowing Him fully. However, in those moments, the inner struggle of faith and humility had to continue to develop in me.
Through emotional trials of anxiety, later physical trials of sickness and loss, scarcity, and many more, and even wanting so many things in my timing and not in God's, He has allowed me to recognize, frontward and backward, the full authority of the Heavenly Father, the One who comes from above, for surely He alone is almighty, and in His infinite, true, and matchless mercy He will give me victory here on earth and there in heaven.
I have been able to experience the humility that God gives me in life through times of silence; in the solitude and peace of knowing Him in me, in wisdom, and in the prompt help that comes from Him. Humility is acknowledging His dominion, power, and glory forever.
So, I continue to fight to live consistently in the humility of God and not in the humility of humanity— to be able to live and make known the power of the Holy Spirit in the society in which I live. In this way, I intend to attain the wisdom of valuable and essential humility to arrive at eternal life with God.
We should not forget the beautiful examples and teachings of Jesus, who, with the power of the Holy Spirit, remained humble and overcame every trial and temptation, and we can also overcome them in His will. Are you humble today? Looking up to the eternal home? Do you radiate the humility of the Lord Jesus Christ here and now?