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  • How Sin Hinders Our Listening Clearly 

    Deanna BrooksWritten by Deanna Brooks, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Arkansas

    When I was growing up, my daddy sometimes told me, “It’s hard to hear God’s voice when you’ve already decided what you want Him to say.”

    The Hebrew writer tells us, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Heb 12:1 ESV).

    Picture a runner strapping on ankle weights and a heavy backpack just before an important race. Do you think he will have a good race? This is what the author of Hebrews is talking about when he tells us to lay aside that which can slow us down.

    Sin is a weight that slows down or interrupts our walk with Jesus.

    We all know how difficult it is to talk to someone through a closed door. When we talk to or listen to our Heavenly Father, we need the door open wide with nothing to hinder communication.

    Sin is a barrier…like a closed door…between us and God.

    1. Sin often comes with pride…and pride prevents us from listening because we want to be in control. We may have decided what we want God to say.
    2. Sin deceives us into thinking God has moved away from us and no longer cares.
    3. Indifference, fear, or shame about our sin will close our ears to His voice. The evil one wants us to concentrate on our sin. However, God has told us to give our sin to Him, and He will wash it away.

    Contrast the response of Adam and Eve with David when each were confronted about sin. Adam and Eve were afraid and hid. David responded, “I have sinned against the Lord” (2Sa 12:13 NIV).

    Have you experienced the pain of avoiding a friend because of “something” that happened?

    Now, let’s apply that to our relationship with God. Whether it is an obvious sin that we are aware of, or we’ve simply quit putting God first in our lives and we know things aren’t right, we feel the barrier, and we are no longer hearing Him.

    The prophet Habakkuk wrote: “Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot tolerate wrongdoing” (Hab 1:13). Our Heavenly Father wants us to avoid sin.

    The most important thing we need to remember is God will never leave us. We find this promise throughout Scripture. We find it first in Deuteronomy 31:8: “He will never leave you nor forsake you.” Our God pursues us to protect us from sin.

    Sin is always the barrier that separates us from feeling connected to God.

    Isaiah wrote: “Your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God” (Isa 59:2 ESV).

    God knew this and understood it. This is why He tells us over and over in Scripture to bring our sins before Him so we can be cleansed.

    Think on the following Scriptures…about how they give us hope and assurance:

    If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1Jn 1:9 NIV).

    Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death” (Rom 8:1,2).

    The blood of Jesus, his Son purifies us from all sin” (1Jn 1:7).

    But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous One” (1Jn 2:1). Jesus, our Redeemer, is standing beside us as we approach the Father.

    With those promises that show the Father’s loving-kindness towards His people, we need to ask ourselves what we are involved in that may hinder us from hearing the words of our Heavenly Father.

  • How to Give Thanks in Word and Deed

    Karla DouradoWritten by Karla Dourado, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in João Pessoa, Brazil

    And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Col 3:17 NIV)

    Gratitude is an attitude that transforms lives and the way we relate to each other and to God. Words are important. They can edify, encourage, and convert. But true gratitude goes beyond what we say—it is demonstrated by our actions. James 2:17 says that faith without works is dead. Therefore, gratitude must be shown through our attitude.

    Gratitude is action: Serving others, helping someone in need, or even carrying out community tasks are good examples of how we can manifest what 1 Peter 4:10 says: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.”

    Colossians 3:17 invites us to reflect on the way we live our daily lives and the importance of recognizing and thanking God in every aspect of it, recognizing the blessings we receive, even in the smallest things. “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus” (1Th 5:18).

    As I write, I remember the times when I went through difficulty in an area of ​​life: I could only focus on the problem. For some time now, I have been trying to practice gratitude. With this change in mindset, I have been able to defocus from the problem and see lessons for myself that I can share with others.

    It was a simple choice, but it has had a huge impact on my life and consequently on those around me.

    The depth of this biblical guidance continues to impact my life. The idea that everything I do must be done in the name of the Lord makes me realize that I need to be constantly vigilant so that what I say and what I do are aligned because this represents the faith I profess.

    Two years ago, something happened in my life—a really challenging moment. Before, I would have let impulsiveness dominate me... but for two years I have been asking God: How can I act in this situation in the name of Jesus? With this, I have been choosing patience and empathy, rather than anger and guilt.

    Instead of getting into arguments, I now choose to wait for God to act, with gratitude for everything that happened in these two years. It is not easy, but it is not impossible when we let the Lord direct us. Breathing and letting God act is rewarding, even amid difficulties.

    Today, I can see God's care unfolding in every situation and I can thank Him with sincerity from my heart.

    I encourage everyone who reads these brief words to be grateful in any circumstance and experience God's care no matter how complicated the situation seems to be.

  • Idols Come in All Shapes and Sizes; Commandments 2 & 3

    Deanna Brooks1Written by Deanna Brooks, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Arkansas

    After the Israelites left Egypt, God told them:

    You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God. (Ex 20:3-5a ESV)

    We don’t know when man first turned to idols, but Joshua tells us, “Long ago, your fathers lived beyond the Euphrates, Terah, the father of Abraham and of Nahor; and they served other gods” (Jos 24:2b).

    Later, when Jacob took his family back to his homeland, Laban came after them, accusing them of stealing his gods (Ge 31). In Genesis 35, Jacob tells his household to put away all their foreign gods and purify themselves, Then, they go to Bethel to build an altar to the LORD, whom Jacob affirmed had been with him wherever he had gone.

    In Egypt, the Israelites were exposed to the gods of the Egyptians, so when God led His people out of slavery, He wanted them to understand there is one God.

    The Israelites were constantly tempted to worship the gods of surrounding peoples. It was not until the Babylonian captivity that the Israelites became mono-theistic. That captivity cured them of worshipping idols.

    What do we think of when we hear the word “idol”? A simple definition is anything or anyone that we love and desire more than God, our Heavenly Father, our Creator.

    Jesus addressed this desire when He said: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” (Mt 5:6).

    Most of us know what it is to be hungry and thirsty. Jesus wants us to have that same longing for righteousness.

    So, what becomes an idol in our lives? Bowing down to a golden calf is not something most of us do, but is it possible we have other things that take the place of God?

    It is sometimes said that there is a “God-shaped hole” in our hearts, and we seek to fill that hole. Satan tempts us to fill that hole with something other than God. People attempt to fill that hole with family, job, money, possessions, and many other things, but only God can give the peace and fulfillment that fills the heart.

    When Jesus was talking to His disciples in the upper room, He told them, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (Jn 14:27).

    A few minutes later He prayed, “I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one” (Jn 17:15).

    We live in the world, and many things attempt to take our focus off of Jesus, of doing His will, of making Him LORD of our life.

    When we hunger and thirst after righteousness, striving to do God’s will, the peace Jesus left will fill our hearts.

    In 1772, William Cowper penned the words to “O for a Closer Walk with God.” One of the stanzas reads:
             The dearest idol I have known,
             Whate’er that idol be
             Help me to tear it from Thy throne,
             And worship only Thee.

    We turn our hearts toward God, seeking His righteousness to fill our hearts. Second Chronicles 12:14 says of Rehoboam, “He did not set his heart to seek the Lord.

    The question we need to answer is, “Do I value anything more than my relationship with my Heavenly Father and my Redeemer?” If we answer “yes,“ what changes do we need to make so we hunger and thirst for righteousness?

  • If God Is Our Priority, He Supplies What We Need

    Liliana 1Written by Liliana Henríquez, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colombia

    In the previous blog post, I told you that sometimes there are situations or people that we turn into idols that end up occupying God's place in our hearts, our minds, and even our agenda. That's a serious mistake! As Christians, our priority should be God and following Him, not other things.

    I am very fond of remembering the promise in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (NIV). God promises us that if we seek Him, He is faithful to give us what we need. The challenge is to understand that the peace and joy that God offers us is far greater than that offered by the world. It is also important to remind ourselves that we need God's support to be able to cope with life's challenges—not something we can do with our own strength.

    A job, a husband, children... they will never be able to fill the space that only God can fill.

    In June 2023, I received an invitation to support a mission project in another country for a couple of weeks. That really got me excited! However, there was a "small" problem... my passport was expired. What a great frustration! However, I remember that Matthew 6:31-33 came to my mind and gave me strength. I like how it appears in the Easy-to-Read Version:

    Don’t worry and say, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ That’s what those people who don’t know God are always thinking about. Don’t worry, because your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things. What you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what he wants you to do. Then he will give you all these other things you need. (ERV, emphasis added)

    A relevant fact that I must share is that I am Venezuelan and I live in Colombia. At that time, there was no Venezuelan consulate in all of Colombia, so the only way to get the passport was to go to Venezuela, stay for a month or two there until my passport was ready, and come back. And that definitely wasn't an option for me.

    So I, in my conversations with God, asked Him: How am I going to get my passport if there hasn't been a consulate in Colombia for five years?

    I answered myself, based on verse 32: Liliana, only those who do not know God try to achieve these things by their own means. Take it easy.

    That same month, the first Venezuelan consulate in Colombia opened its doors (Miracle 1). It was located in the city of Cúcuta, which is 16 hours by bus from Bogotá (where I live). I got my appointment very quickly and without difficulty (Miracle 2). I went in August and the whole process was successful. Now all that was left was to hand over the passport. Since the consulate had just started operations, they had not enabled the option of sending the new passport to other cities. So as soon as I was notified that the passport was already printed, I traveled to Cúcuta again to pick it up. In October, I returned home happy with my new passport, ready to be used (Miracle 3).

    On that occasion, I confirmed once again that when we obey God, He takes care of providing and opening doors that may have been closed for years. All He asks of us is that we truly commit to Him and make Him our priority.

  • Intentional Thankfulness - A Path to Rejoicing

    Marbella Written by Marbella Parra, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Honduras

    Gratitude is a powerful virtue that often goes unnoticed in the midst of our busy lives. However, gratitude not only transforms our perspective, but it also invites us to experience deep joy, just as the apostle Paul teaches.

    Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! (Php 4:4 NIV)

    Paul does not call us to rejoice when all is going well or only on happy days. He invites us to rejoice always, a term that includes both times of joy and sorrow. This attitude of gratitude is an intentional decision that uplifts the soul and opens the door to authentic joy. It is here that thankfulness becomes a powerful tool to connect with the peace and joy that only God can give.

    I must admit that, in my life today, gratitude is not something that flows naturally. I'm at a point where daily responsibilities and challenges have led me to feel overwhelmed. There are days when, even though I know God is present, it seems hard to see the reasons to rejoice. I find myself constantly struggling with frustration and burnout, and Philippians 4:4 feels like a challenge that I still can't fully meet.

    However, I'm in the process of working on it. Recently, I decided to start practicing intentional thankfulness. I started a gratitude journal, although I have to admit that it has been harder than I thought. There are days when I feel too tired or worried to see anything positive. However, I am committed to trying every day. Sometimes, the list is limited to very simple things: a moment of silence, a ray of sunshine in the morning, or a message from a loved one. I don't always manage to write down three things, but even with just one small thing, I try to remember that this is part of my effort to live the call to always rejoice.

    This exercise has shown me that thankfulness is not something I necessarily feel right away; it's rather a practice I'm trying to cultivate. Although I have not attained that full, constant joy that Paul describes, I have noticed small glimpses of change in my attitude. I realize that when I make an effort to be grateful, no matter how small the reason, my day takes on a slightly different tone. It's not that my problems go away, but I feel a small spark of peace that gives me the strength to keep going.

    This stage of my life has taught me that gratitude does not always arise spontaneously; Sometimes, it is a conscious decision. Choosing to be thankful in difficult times does not mean ignoring problems but recognizing that, even in the midst of adversity, I can find reasons to rejoice. When I focus on what God has done and continues to do, even if it is still a challenge, I discover that thankfulness can be the channel that will lead me to a fuller, more joyful life.

    Paul understood this very well. Despite writing from prison, he was filled with gratitude and joy. He knew the transformative power of thankfulness and how it could bring people closer to deep peace in the Lord. By applying this teaching in our everyday lives, the act of giving thanks not only changes our perspective but also strengthens our faith.

    How Can We Practice Daily Gratitude?
         1. Make a daily gratitude list: Take five minutes a day to write down three things you're thankful for. These can be as simple as a delicious meal, an uplifting conversation, or the warmth of the sun on your skin.
         2. Express your gratitude to the people around you: A sincere "thank you" can strengthen relationships and create an environment of love and respect.
         3. Pray with thankfulness: In your prayers, take time to thank God for His goodness and faithfulness. Make gratitude a central part of your spiritual life.

    Gratitude is a habit that is built. In doing so, I discover that my life can be filled with joy and rejoicing, not because everything is perfect, but because I am learning to see God's hand in every detail, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

    What are the little things you can be thankful for today? How can you make thankfulness a daily practice that brings you closer to God and helps you experience true joy?

  • Interpersonal Relationships: Serving One Another

    2023 Lindsay headshotWritten by Lindsay Richardson, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Tennessee

    As a missionary kid with a love for travel, I’ve had abundant opportunities to see different parts of the world and to experience a variety of service and volunteer opportunities. I have too many stories to share here, but just this last March I had the chance to go as a volunteer Spanish interpreter on a medical mission trip to Baja, Mexico.

    As 1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (NIV).

    I am not in any way connected to the medical world, but knowing two languages has been a blessing that God has given me with which to help others.

    Here are some testimonies and stories from my week in Mexico:

    • We had a patient whom I prayed for in Spanish, and at the end of the visit, and afterward, he said he had tried everything for his pain: doctors, chiropractic care, physical therapy, and medication. But this prayer helped more than anything else had.
    • Another patient came to us with rashes all over his body, hungry, and with no place to sleep. We scrounged through our backpacks, gave him our granola bars and water, and found him a blanket.
    • I prayed with an older man and as I was praying he would interrupt me with his requests: “oraciones para mi trabajo” (prayers for my job), and ”encontrar una mujer” (that he would find/meet a woman). I had a good laugh.
    • A man came in carrying heavy emotional burdens in addition to his sickness and red, burning eyes. He was shaking and sobbing and said his wife left him and took their kids and he has no support system left. He said someone invited him today to the church where the clinic was held and I was able to assure him that he did in fact have a support system and family in Christ there. (I barely made it through that prayer because at the end, I got choked up.)

    What a humbling experience! It truly has given me a new perspective on being “the hands and feet of Jesus.”

    I have also been involved in some weekly opportunities to serve here in Nashville. I’ve been a part of a Christian organization called People Loving Nashville that provides food and clothing to the hungry and those in need. It’s been an amazing ministry to witness so many people in our city serving and loving each other. I’ve learned so much about humanity in addition to my own heart for others. It’s been a true perspective shift!

    In Matthew 25:35-36 it says,

    For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

    Hearing heartbreaking story after story as I’ve been able to interact with people personally in my own city has also allowed me to feel closer to the heart of God as I allow Him to use me in small ways to help make a big impact in the Kingdom. People come to us every single week just because they know they will be loved and cared for in a special way that can only be explained by our relationship with Jesus. May we never underestimate the power of how we can be used by God! We are all simply seed planters, and He is the waterer.

  • Iron Sharpening Iron

    2022 06 Deanna BrooksWritten by Deanna Brooks, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Arkansas

    Proverbs 27:17 reads, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another” (ESV).

    For iron to sharpen iron, there must be two pieces. One piece cannot sharpen itself. We NEED each other. In the beginning, God saw it was not good for man to be alone, so He created woman. This was before the fall… before sin…so, think how much more important it is now in our sinful nature to have someone we can depend on.

    Most of us have had the experience of sharpening a kitchen knife. A knife is a small saw with a micro-serrated edge. When it is sharpened, any uneven spots or “burrs” are removed, and the sharpness is restored. Often, it is polished to make it shine.

    We all have uneven and rough spots and have become dull because of the ups and downs of life. We need encouragement, admonition, and even confrontation from someone who cares about us. That’s iron sharpening iron.

    Think of lessons we learn from Scripture.

    DAVID… in 1 Samuel 25 David asked Nabal for food for his men. It was sheep shearing season, and David’s men had been protecting Nabal’s sheep and workers. Even so, Nabal refused to feed David and his men. David was angry and took 400 men, intending to kill Nabal and the males in his household. Abigail, Nabal’s wife, heard and went to meet David with gifts of food, stopping him from this bloodshed.

    Jonathan, son of King Saul, protected David, comforting and making a covenant with him when Saul sought David’s life (1 Sam. 23:16-18).

    The prophet Nathan confronted David (2 Sam. 12) after his sin with Bathsheba, making him stop and think about what he had done and God’s laws he had broken… coveting another man’s wife, adultery (possibly rape), and murder. Only someone David respected could have said, “YOU are that man!”

    Three friends with different types of help… three ways iron sharpens iron.

    NAAMAN (2 Kings 5) was a commander of the Syrian Army… a gentile… a pagan… an enemy of Israel… and he had leprosy. The Syrians had captured and enslaved a young Israelite girl who told Naaman’s wife there was a prophet in Samaria who could heal him. When Naaman went to Elisha, he became angry at being told to dip in the muddy Jordan River. He had cleaner rivers back home. He had his reasons for not doing what the prophet instructed. BUT… Naaman’s servants confronted him, encouraging him to follow Elisha’s instructions… and he was healed. Again, iron sharpens iron.

    SAUL… the early believers were afraid of him… with good reason. In Acts 9 Barnabas stood by Saul’s side, introducing him to the Jerusalem church who knew him as one involved in the death of Stephen and persecution of Christians, and telling them what happened to Saul on the road to Damascus. Where would Saul have been if there had not been a friend to stand by him? In Proverbs 18:24b we read: “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” We see iron sharpening iron in friendship.

    JOHN MARK was given a second chance by his cousin, Barnabas. Because he left the first missionary journey early, Paul refused to take him on another missionary journey (Acts 15:36-41). Barnabas parted from Paul and took John Mark. If it had not been for the encouragement of Barnabas, we might not have had the gospel of Mark. An older relative who cared… iron sharpens iron.

    There are many ways that “iron sharpens iron.” Confrontation, encouragement, support, kindness, and rejoicing, all done in love can heal relationships with others as well as with God.

    We can share ways we have persevered through the storms of life. When there is an established friendship, people are generally more willing to listen. Let’s work on building relationships that focus on the important things in life… so we have someone to turn to when life’s storms come.

  • Is God Your Priority?

    Liliana 2Written by Liliana Henriquez, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colombia

    I'm one of those people who, when they like a song, listen to it a thousand times throughout the day (or several days) until it doesn't excite them anymore. I can literally search on YouTube: "An hour of... (title of the song)" and play it all day long. It becomes the first and only song I listen to for a long time. It becomes the soundtrack or the main song of my day (or days) and I enjoy it very much.

    This reminds me of when we decide to obey the gospel and get baptized. Converting ourselves to Christ and everything that has to do with the church is our priority. We are excited to learn the lyrics to all the hymns we sing at service, attend all church activities, read the whole Bible, and know all the verses. We are passionate about Jesus!

    How wonderful it would be if we maintained that same passion for the rest of our lives as Christians!

    As expected, life goes on, and with it comes new decisions, challenges, and stages such as marriage, children, new jobs, university studies, travel, migration... and generally, these tend to diminish the passion for Jesus that we felt at the beginning. I don't mean that we stop loving Jesus or being His disciples; I mean that the cares of life are sometimes so heavy and challenging that they distract us from what is important, to such an extent that we could make the grave mistake of giving them the first place that only God deserves.

    You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me. (Ex 20:4-5 NIV, emphasis added)

    As I read this passage, I am struck by these three words:

    "MAKE": It leads me to understand that anything taking the place of God is an idol that we ourselves have the power to create.

    "BOW DOWN": Everything we idolize causes us to take on an attitude of submission. Therefore, we yield our will to that idol.

    "WORSHIP": We respect and give a place of preeminence to what we put first.

    It's important to remember that we have a jealous God and we need to be very aware of that. He wants us to seek Him, to choose Him, to worship Him above anything else created in the world. Our life is hidden with Christ in God (Col 3:3) and we are to honor only Him.

    I invite you to ask yourself: Is God the theme song of my life today?

    I hope so. He is our King.

  • Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Example of Humility

    Naijuvelin 2Written by Naijuvelin Díaz Leal, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Venezuela

    Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Php 2:5-11 ESV)

    How many times have we heard or read about humility—that character that, although difficult, is not impossible to reach? The apostle Paul invites the Philippians to develop this character by taking Christ as their model. He presents this virtue to us as a reason for obedience and the consequence of exaltation. Humility, then, is an act of obedience. On another occasion, Peter would cry out, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God" (1 Pe 5:6a). We see how important it is and the effect that this condition always has on the Christian in any circumstance. Jesus Christ, being the Son of God, did not cling to that status, but lowered Himself, showing His meekness by bearing every scourge, confrontation, disappointment, emotional pressure, and betrayal.

    Jesus showed the virtue of humility, full of grace and integrity; He was a model for the disciples and an example for all humanity. He willingly gave up His exalted position as the Son of God to bow down. He made manifest every good work that came from the Father. As His son, He bore suffering to teach us obedience and show us that in all obedience, there is a blessing. Christ is then presented to us as the model of humility in the following ways, while still not relinquishing His status as the Son of God:

    • At His coming to earth (2Co 8:9).
    • In His humility (Mt 11:29)
    • In His submission to God's will (Jn 6:38)
    • In His sufferings (Isa 53:1-9)
    • At His triumphal entry (Mt 21:5,7)

    Every perfect gift comes from above. Developing humility is a blessing, and executing it yields great benefits. When we are humble, we can attain salvation from God (Ps 18:27; 1 Co 1:26,29) and receive His grace (Pr 3:34). God honors the humble (Pr 15:33) and lifts them up (Job 5:11; Mt 23:12; Lk 1:52).

    But what is humility? How do I recognize it? Is it a state of mind? A condition? Or a state of material poverty? Humility is acknowledging and exalting God's will over our own in our lives, gifts, virtues, and strength (Jn 5:19). When we constantly seek God and fully trust and accept His plans, that makes us humble and meek before Him. It is an attitude of the heart which goes beyond the external. To submit every thought or desire to Christ—to bring our cares and anxieties captive to Him—is to acknowledge His supremacy by recognizing His power and sovereignty.

    Facing situations in which I must bend my will is a great challenge. It is a continuous challenge to know how to accept what God has determined. "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will" (Mt 26:39b) is an example Jesus set, reminding me to be humble in many moments of my life, and strengthening me in all areas.

    Amid struggles, the apostle Paul continued His service in humility despite the sorrows that beset Him because of the Jews (Ac 20:19). He bore the marks of Christ on his body and bore them with patience and meekness. He exhorts us, too, to put on that garment that identifies us as God's chosen ones (Col 3:12).

    Taking up this appeal allows us to live more committed to Christ, worthy of the vocation to which we were called, and the God of peace will guard our hearts in Christ Jesus.

    Are you willing to develop this great virtue or spiritual strength?

  • Joshua Learned from Moses

    2023 07 NilaurysWritten by Nilaurys García, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Canada

    When we think of Joshua and Moses, probably the first thing that comes to mind is that because Moses could not enter the promised land, Joshua was chosen by God to lead the people as it says in Deuteronomy 31:3 (NIV), "The Lord your God himself will cross over ahead of you. He will destroy these nations before you, and you will take possession of their land. Joshua also will cross over ahead of you, as the Lord said."

    Joshua carried a great responsibility on his shoulders, and for that God prepared him, giving him Moses as an example and mentor. Even the people recognized this, as we read in Joshua 1:16-18.

    Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. Just as we fully obeyed Moses, so we will obey you. Only may the Lord your God be with you as he was with Moses. Whoever rebels against your word and does not obey it, whatever you may command them, will be put to death. Only be strong and courageous!

    I would be a little afraid if I were Joshua having to carry the responsibility of leading a nation, even with God's help.

    The interesting thing about this relationship is that Moses did not believe he was prepared for everything that God called him to do. But God also put people in Moses’ path from whom he learned, and he then passed on his knowledge to Joshua. For example, he learned from his father-in-law Jethro that he should teach about the law and delegate the task of being judges to the people (Ex. 18:13-26). In addition, he learned to recognize Jehovah's sovereignty and that His promises are always fulfilled as expressed in Joshua 23:14-16.

    I think what strikes me the most about Moses' example was that he accepted a task that he did not think he was qualified for. Moses reminds God that it is not easy for him to speak, as if it were necessary to tell the Almighty God something about His own creation, and God responds that HE created him that way.

    Moses said to the Lord, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.” The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”(Ex. 4:10-12)

    Moses' life is a constant reminder that God is in control of everything; his birth to being raised in Egypt gave him the tools necessary to carry out God’s purpose.

    All that Moses went through served as an example to form the character of Joshua, who, at the death of Moses, had to lead the people and assume the position that his predecessor had before. In addition, he had the privilege of being called, "Moses’ aide" in Joshua 1:1. "After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide. God also reminded Joshua that just as He was with Moses, He will also be with him. "No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Josh. 1:5).

    Joshua had to apply all these teachings when he led the conquest of Jericho in Joshua 6:2-5 so the Israelites could take possession of the city. They were to march around the walls once a day for six days, and on the seventh day, when they marched, the walls would fall at the sound of the trumpets and the cry of the warriors.

    I believe that just as Joshua had Moses, we all have had key people that God has placed in our lives to learn from. Their teaching and example helps us draw closer to our Heavenly Father. Do you remember who these people have been in your life?

    #IronRoseSister #teachthroughrelationships #learnthroughrelationships #mentoring #learnfromamentor #MosesandJoshua #blog #guestwriter

  • Joshua's Fear

    AlinaWritten by Alina Stout, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Oklahoma

    Imagine a moment when you were scared, anxious, or nervous about what was to come. Was it a bad storm? A meeting with someone? A phone call? A news report? A new job? A move to a new place? At that moment, you might have felt both emotionally and physically stressed. It is difficult to face a challenge when you feel so apprehensive.

    Joshua had one of these moments, too. Israel’s fearless and humble leader Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt and through the wilderness until they were finally ready to enter the promised land. God appointed Joshua to succeed Moses, and this was a good choice because Joshua had proven himself faithful forty years prior. He was one of the spies who visited Canaan, and he had faith that the LORD would deliver the enemy into the Israelites’ hands even though the Canaanites were a military threat (Nu 14). However, Moses was a great leader, and it would be difficult to succeed someone like him.

    Joshua was now in charge of an entire nation of people who did not have a home and who had to fight in order to settle down. He had trusted in his youth that God would deliver the Canaanites into Israel’s hands, but would he trust that God would deliver the Canaanites into his hands, the leader of Israel? The people of Israel certainly would not be courageous if Joshua wasn’t.

    God knows the hearts of all, and He spoke to Joshua on this matter when He appointed him. God reiterates to Joshua five times to “be strong and courageous” (Dt 31:6, 23; Jos 1:6, 7, 9 ESV).

    God is not just telling Joshua to be a good leader. There is a way for Joshua to actively strengthen his heart and mind so that he is ready to face the challenges that lie ahead. God tells Joshua to be “careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded,” to “not turn from [the law] to the right hand or to the left,” to not let the “Book of the Law… depart from [his] mouth,” and to “meditate on it day and night” in order to be “careful to do according to all that is written in it” (Jos 1:7-8). God makes it clear that this is the only way to succeed in their conquest.

    God also ensures him of two promises: God will give Israel the promised land, and God will be with Joshua wherever he goes (Jos 1:3, 9).

    When God gave His Book of the Law to Israel, His intention was for the law to inspire spiritual change in those who meditate on it. The law revealed a person’s sin and provided a chance for repentance. The law helped the listener understand God’s heart for the marginalized, such as foreigners, the poor, women, and victims. The law also helped the listener understand God’s insistence on giving justice to those who deserve it. Reciting and memorizing the law would help Joshua internalize God’s will. Obeying the law would affect Joshua’s daily personal choices and leadership decisions. Meditating on the words of God would help clarify Joshua’s vision, fortify his mind, and purify his heart.

    How did Joshua respond to God’s command? He obeyed. Joshua might have still been apprehensive of what was to come, but he chose to obey God. Being strong and courageous was a choice that would lead to a positive outcome. In the following chapters of Joshua, we see how Joshua immediately continued forward with God’s plan. His faith in God when he spied in the land forty years prior had become the faith that he was living out.

    So, in those moments where you feel scared, anxious, or nervous for what is about to come, remember God’s words to Joshua. You too can become strong and courageous by fortifying your heart and mind with God’s word. When you meditate on the Word, you begin to understand God’s heart, God’s justice, God’s will, and God’s promises. You grow in faith and will trust God in your every step into the unknown.

    Think about your Iron Rose Sisters and their struggles as well. You might be able to help encourage each other as you walk this path with God.

    For what do you need to become strong and courageous in your life?

  • Knowing Christ and Kingdom Living 

    Kristi BondWritten by Kristi Bond, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Arkansas

    If we are “out of our mind,” as some say, it is for God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. (2Co 5:13-15, NIV)

    The most memorable lesson I learned in college did not take the form of classroom instruction. It didn’t come from a book, and although I am grateful to my parents and professors who set me on a course of faithful service and academic excellence, this particular lesson was not theirs to give me.

    During my first year in college, I worked at a Mexican food restaurant. It was hard work made even harder by the fact that I didn’t have a car for a while, so I had to catch rides from co-workers. I left campus as soon as I was finished with classes, and I arrived back at the dorm late at night with hours of studying still to do. My earnings were hard-won, and I intended to use them well. God knew how to use them better.

    One day as I was reflecting on what it might mean to live for Christ, I decided that no matter what happened that day, I was going to have a positive attitude. I hitched a ride to work with about $50 cash in my jacket pocket, expecting to add some tips to it that night, I clocked in and hung my jacket on the pegs in the kitchen and worked my shift. Later that night, I realized the money was gone. I looked everywhere but couldn’t find it – it had not fallen out of my pocket; it had been taken.

    I had a decision to make. Was I going to let this event make me angry, or was I going to stick with my earlier decision to let the peace and joy of Jesus Christ reign in me no matter what? Whichever of my co-workers that had taken the money was living for self. But God used that moment to teach me to live for Him —I made the right decision and went back to the dorm with a cheerful heart. It was the best $50 I ever “spent” because it has given me a better perspective not only about money but also about maintaining a positive attitude even when things go wrong.

    Martin Luther wrote: “Above all the grace and the gifts that Christ gives to His beloved is that of overcoming self.” It is a gift to leave behind our selfishness and enjoy relationships and actions we might not have taken otherwise. It is a grace from God that allows us to hand over our fears, our failures, and even our trauma to One who can help us function through them. Living for self leads to entrapment in our own misery, and living for others results in enslavement to their actions and values. But living for Christ transforms all of who we are and all of our relationships, creating space for even tough situations to bring peace and abiding joy.

    When we overcome self to live for Christ, we don’t have to react negatively or take offense at others. We can seek peace in challenging conversations instead of responding with hateful words – especially on social media! We can see chores and daily tasks as part of something bigger than ourselves and do them without complaint. Every moment is an opportunity to honor God – even when someone takes our hard-earned money.

    What does overcoming self and living for Christ look like in your life today?

  • Learning From a Mentor

    2023 07 18 Rayne PazWritten by Rayne Paz, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Salvador, Brazil

    In 2019, I participated in a mission program. I was sent to Peru with a team of fellow Brazilians. We knew that we would have the opportunity to build relationships with the Peruvian people. In fact, we had been trained to do so, and we knew that we would have the assistance of a coordinator in the field to instruct and help us in this new environment.

    Having someone to learn from was of the utmost importance so that my team could build good relationships. Our mentor, along with his wife, guided us in the language, the city, contact with the brothers and sisters, and many other activities. However, for this to be successful it was necessary for us to have certain attitudes as learners. I would like to share some of them with you.

    1. Willingness to learn — Building relationships can be costly — we cannot relate to others without setting aside our fears and opening ourselves to learning. In the Bible, we see this in the mentorship between Moses and Joshua. God encouraged Joshua so he would not be afraid when relating directly to thousands of people. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Josh. 1:9 NIV).
    2. Humility and submissiveness — Unfortunately, we often misinterpret the concepts of humility and submission, causing us to not be faithful in living out these practices. However, the light of the Scriptures provides their correct meanings. When we submit ourselves and humbly learn, we can better apply the teachings that we receive because we know that they are effective and reliable. Of course, that confidence can come from a mentor inspired by and devoted to the Lord, and who desires to faithfully convey His will to us. During the battle against the Amalekites, Moses instructed Joshua to gather men for the fight and Joshua submitted, knowing that Moses was a prophet of God. “So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered (Ex. 17:10a).
    3. Patience to observe — During our mission, we had to be very careful to observe the customs, language, and behavior of that new environment. Our advisor strongly recommended that we do this so that instead of venturing out with no direction, we would be able to understand first, and only then carry out whatever activity we had planned. This helped us a lot, especially in avoiding situations that could become barriers in the process of building new relationships. Before becoming the leader of his people, Joshua learned from and assisted his mentor, Moses, for 40 years. This certainly contributed to the later development of his own ministry.
    4. Readiness to put into practice — True learning can only occur when accompanied by practical action. After a few weeks on the mission field, my team and I started to put into practice everything we had learned and everything we were learning day by day. We were able to start conversations, be in small groups in homes, evangelize, spend time in fellowship, and serve the congregation. Day by day we developed relationships and bonds that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, will carry on throughout the rest of our lives. Our coordinator was then able to watch over us from a distance. If we needed him, he would be there, but at that point, we were independently developing good fruits. When Moses had to go, it was time for Joshua to put into practice what he had learned. The challenge was tremendous, but the Lord was with him. “Then Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the presence of all Israel, ‘Be strong and courageous, for you must go with this people into the land that the Lord swore to their ancestors to give them, and you must divide it among them as their inheritance.’” (Deut. 31:7)

    Mentorship is a mutual and blessed learning process for both the mentor and mentee. This exchange allows us to develop and serve in a most personal way. We need to take advantage of opportunities and hold onto people that teach and instruct in a way that is faithful to God, who are mature, who welcome us, and who transmit to us what was once taught to them. In the same way, we will pass on these teachings so that there are more and more mentors and apprentices of the Lord Jesus. Above all in this relationship, there will be learning from the Supreme Mentor: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matt. 11:29).

    Have you ever approached someone to mentor or be mentored? Think about the exchange of blessings that will be yours in this relationship.


    #IronRoseSister #teachingthroughrelationships #learningthroughrelationships #mentor #learningfromamentor #missionwork #learnonthefield #blog #guestwriter

  • Learning from Our Mistakes

    2023 07 Johanna ZabalaWritten by Johanna Zabala, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Ecuador

    Developing meaningful relationships that are guided by the Heavenly Father has resulted in the growth of my knowledge of Him and in my desire to continue to serve the Lord Jesus Christ at every moment of my life in this earthly space.

    As I grew from childhood to adolescence, I gained knowledge and developed increasingly significant beliefs, even as a result of making mistakes. I remember that making mistakes in the innocence of childhood was involuntary. Later as I matured, my mistakes were often voluntary when I deliberately made sinful choices. But I didn’t know how to accept them as steps in learning.

    As a child, I had few interpersonal relationships. Establishing connections made me very insecure. Because of this shyness, some events triggered uncertainty, loneliness, and frustrations that at that moment I did not understand, and that became obstacles to my relationships.

    When I was of school age, I remember that I always went unnoticed and when I made a mistake, I became very frustrated which prevented me from learning from these experiences. As time went by and as I got to know Jesus, I came to understand that each mistake was part of my growth and helped me to understand Romans 8:28 (NIV), “In all things God works for the good.”

    Beloved sisters, if we realize that we can learn from our mistakes, we can encourage each other. We’ll know that when we make a mistake in a relationship, it provides an opportunity to grow and mature in faith and achieve the stature of Christ to which the apostle Paul exhorts us in Ephesians 4:13, “until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” 

    I still need to keep learning, and I'm sure you do, too. As human beings, we know that mistakes are normal and frequent in both our secular and Christian walks each time we think or do things we should not. But these struggles can become part of our spiritual growth when we accept that we are imperfect beings in the hands of a perfect God who perfects us every day in Christ Jesus.

    Let’s not forget that “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). This promise teaches us that as human beings when we make a mistake, we will be forgiven and purified if we immediately repent—that is, change our attitude towards God—confess, and ask for forgiveness. It is necessary to humble ourselves, recognize the sinful nature that fights in our weakness from within, and beg to be transformed by the Lord's discipline.

    Finally, whenever trials, weaknesses, and mistakes come, let us live Romans 8:28, knowing that the Almighty God intervenes with His infinite wisdom in everything, giving us the strength and experiences to help us when we do not dwell on the bad. Beloved, I hope you share this same spirit and that we will all continue towards this goal.


    #IronRoseSister #teachthroughrelationships #learnthroughrelationships #learningbymakingmistakes #learnfrommistakes #mistakesorsins #blog #guestwriter

  • Listen Through the Word

    2023 Wendy headshot croppedWritten by Wendy Neill, Advancement Coordinator for Iron Rose Sister Ministries

    Do you have a favorite book? It might be from your childhood or something you’ve read as an adult. There’s a good chance you’ve been through it several times, and you love to recommend it to others. It might be a fictional story or a nonfiction book that changed your life. Impactful books are written by authors endowed by God with a special gift for words.

    Is the Bible your favorite book? I hope so. We’ve probably all had seasons in our life when it was and seasons when it wasn’t. The author of Psalm 119 had a deep, abiding love for the Word of God which remained steadfast even in difficult seasons (see vv. 81-93). Let’s learn from him.

    This author definitely had that God-given gift for masterful writing. He wrote Psalm 119 as an acrostic poem. When you were in school, did you ever have to write an acrostic poem where each line started with the next letter of your name? I was terrible at those. The poem always sounded forced.

    Psalm 119 is divided into eight-verse stanzas. Within each stanza, all eight verses start with the same letter of the Hebrew alphabet! It is hard for us to see that artistic form since we aren’t reading it in the original Hebrew. Can you imagine writing eight verses that all begin with a difficult letter, like “X”? This author does it seamlessly and it doesn’t sound forced. He utilizes his exquisite skill and the entire Hebrew alphabet to express his love for God’s Word.

    Keep in mind, he is not talking about the full Bible as we know it. He is referring to the first five books of the Old Testament: God’s laws, decrees, statutes, commandments, and ordinances. Here are some ways he describes God’s law:

    • Great spoil/treasure/riches - vv. 14, 162
    • A delight - vv. 24, 77, 143
    • A path - v. 35
    • A comfort - v. 52
    • A light to our path - v. 105
    • Sweeter than honey - v. 103
    • A refuge and shield - v. 114
    • Better than pure gold - v. 127
    • Eternal - v. 160
    • A source of great peace - v. 165

    I can say that about much of our Bible, but those descriptions aren’t how I would personally describe Leviticus or Deuteronomy. This guy understands that God’s laws are meant to bless us, just as a wise, loving parent’s rules allow a child to thrive in a safe environment.

    Throughout this psalm, the author alludes to listening to God through Scripture.

    • Teach me your decrees so I can teach others. - vv. 12-13
    • I spoke to you and you answered me. - v. 26
    • Direct me in the path of your commands. - v. 35
    • Teach me knowledge and good judgment. - v. 66
    • The law from your mouth is precious. - v. 72

    I encourage you to listen to God through His Word this week. Ask Him to teach and direct you. Read Psalm 119 first, then the next day, read from your favorite book of the Bible.

    1. What is God teaching you as you commit to listening through His written Word?
    2. How can you fall more in love with Him and the decrees He has set because He loves you?
    3. Is there someone to whom you can recommend His Book?

    By the way, because this author loved God’s statutes so deeply—and used his talent to glorify Him—God added this man’s ode to the Scriptures for all future generations! What an honor!

  • Listening in Small Groups

    LisankaWritten by Lisanka Martínez, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Venezuela

    When we read in Ephesians 4:29 "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" (NIV), it is necessary to keep in mind that it is a command for all Christians in all times, places, and circumstances. Because of this, we notice the commitment that it represents to be able to express ourselves, as the Word indicates, so that our speech is edifying for those who listen to us, always avoiding the opposite.

    This commitment, I confess, has been an uphill struggle for me on several occasions, and incredibly more so in my life as a Christian. Before I studied the Word, when I read or listened to this verse, it seemed to me to be directed at people who were mean in their language, uncontrolled, or who always spoke with malice and double meanings, offending and mocking others. I thought it was not addressed to me, who, although I said a bad word from time to time, tried to be careful where and to whom I said it, being respectful of the people with whom I had some contact.

    Later, as a Christian, I remember an anecdote that happened to me during a discipleship class in which I participated shortly after being baptized.

    I arrived 15 minutes early to the meeting set for 8 a.m. and I found only the sister in charge of the class who had been there since 7:30 a.m. The rest of the group arrived in a span of half an hour. Much later, the sister who led the class was the last to arrive with another of the sisters. When I asked them what had happened to them and why they were so late, the accompanying sister told me that it was the time the person in charge had told her because they needed to wait until everyone was there before beginning.

    I was very upset, and I let the leader know that I thought it was disrespectful for her to arrive almost an hour late to start the class. My attitude had its immediate response: her face was transformed, and she spent the next half an hour sharing an improvised lecture (with its corresponding biblical passages) in which she explained why a neophyte like me should not call out a more mature woman in the faith. I listened to her speech quietly, still upset, and then we finally moved on to the prepared class material. Of course, nothing she said convinced me that she hadn't disrespected all of us. Being Venezuelan, I should have been used to that characteristic of many of my compatriots: the failure to comply with schedules and the lack of respect for others' time; however, I was not and still am not.

    Reflecting on this experience, I now think that she, with more experience in the faith, should have simply apologized to everyone for being late and told me, the insubordinate one, that we would talk more calmly about the subject later, instead of showing that she was in charge and that the rest of us should respect and obey her. In conclusion, we both failed as friends, sisters, and group members.

    How many of you have had something like this happen? (I remember a story shared by our sister Michelle where she related a similar experience involving a church trip to the beach, found in the book, In God’s Right Hand). Fortunately, those experiences now seem very distant, and we remember them more objectively, although for everyone in the group that day, it would not have been edifying despite the use of the Bible and the fact that no corrupt words were used.

    Studying Social Work, I learned about what it means to be in a group and even more so if we formed a team: the commitment, the level of confidentiality, and cohesion that this implied. It should have been a piece of cake to transfer that to my church groups many years later. However, experience has shown me that I have failed in my commitment to God and to the members of the group because of the way I am, always trying to give instructions about the right way to do or say things without being loving, understanding, and compassionate enough in most cases. My commitment is not only to teach, but also to listen and show the greatest empathy, and I want my face and gestures to reflect the love of Christ and not just my words. Now, I work daily to correct and change with God's help.

    Do you hear yourself and your sisters in your small group showing love?

  • Listening is an Altruistic Act

    Amanda SantosWritten by Amanda Santos, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in João Pessoa

    When I was a child, my mother always said, “God gave us two ears and one mouth because we should listen more and speak less.” Although most of the time she was just reprimanding me for being a child who talked too much during classes and services, she was paraphrasing James 1:19: “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (NIV).

    Today's theme says that “listening is an altruistic act.” If we search for the meaning of altruistic we find that it refers to someone who cares about others and acts voluntarily to benefit them. The Bible contains several verses that talk about altruism such as Philippians 2:3-4: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others." And John 13:34b says: "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." The act of listening is the same as loving.

    We live at such a busy pace that we even set audio messages we receive on communication platforms at advanced speed to hear and solve things faster. How many times do we watch a video of a class, even a sermon, and put it on “2x” because the faster we listen, the better? It seems like stopping and listening carefully to what someone else has to say will cost us so much. I put myself in this position. I've always liked to do things quickly, think quickly, and resolve things quickly. How many times have I chosen a cooking video to watch, and before the cook got halfway through the recipe, I decided that I had already heard everything I needed and could make the rest myself. Almost every time, I failed and had to go back and watch the video again to find out where I went wrong.

    I remember a teacher who asked me a question in class: “Did you hear what I said, Amanda?” and I promptly answered yes. Then she asked again: “Okay, but did you listen to what I said?” Maybe at first you will have the same reaction as I did, “But aren’t those the same thing: hear and listen?” And the answer is no. Hearing is the capture of sounds by the ear, a mechanical and natural process that does not require interpretation. But listening is the action of paying attention, understanding and interpreting what is heard, and making use of it. How many times have I heard people but didn't listen to them?

    It takes effort, attention, and dedication to fulfill the role of listener.

    Effort is required because we need to break this bad habit of speeding things up. If you've gotten used to hearing everything very quickly, you'll find it strange and even uncomfortable having to listen to someone who speaks slowly. So yes, we need to put in effort to be good listeners.

    Attention is necessary because our mind easily takes us away from the conversation. We remember that we didn't take the clothes off the line, we forgot to defrost the meat, or so many tasks that if we are not centered and paying full attention, our mind will ramble and we won't actually be listening to our sister.

    And of course, listening takes dedication. Colossians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” We need to dedicate ourselves day after day to being good listeners. Remember, listening to your brother or sister in Christ is an act of love. It is an act of service to the Kingdom of God.

    When we are willing to listen to what a sister has to say, we are giving her a safe and trustworthy space where she can share her problems, confess her sins, and share her prayer requests with God. Being open to being that person who listens with an open heart and loves her sister is serving the Lord. If a sister comes to you to talk, she believes she will be in a safe place, without judgment, and with lots of love.

    May we be attentive and available to be God's instruments in the lives of our brothers and sisters, and may our ears be open to listen to what they need to tell us. May our hearts be ready to love and exhort when necessary. And may only the Word of God come out of our lips.

  • Loneliness

    2022 12 Kara BensonWritten by Kara Benson, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Arkansas

    “The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him”” (Gen. 2:18). We were not made to be alone. From the beginning of creation, God purposed that people should have companionship. As the poet John Donne observed, “No man is an island.” Instead of intending for us to live in isolation, God designed us to live in community.


    “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families…” (Psalm 68:5-6a)


    Indeed he has. He has set us in a family of fellow Christians. We should not have to go through life feeling alone because we have been given brothers, sisters, mothers, and children in Christ (Mark 10:29-31).

    However, there are many who may be struggling with loneliness. Who might they be?

    • An elderly resident living in a nursing home or retirement community
    • A mother at home with her children
    • A young adult who comes home from work each day to an empty apartment
    • Someone who doesn’t have any family members living nearby
    • A couple that just moved to the area and doesn’t know anyone in the congregation yet.

    How can we help them?

    • Visit the elderly and simply spend some time by their side.
    • Invite someone to celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas with your family.
    • Throw a housewarming party for the young single lady who just bought her first house.
    • Call someone who is homebound and listen to their stories.
    • Check on a stay-at-home mom and see if you can meet her for coffee – or better yet, if you can bring coffee over to her house and visit with her for a while.
    • Plan a weekend fellowship opportunity for young families to get together and get to know the new family in the congregation.

    Sisters, I will share with you my personal experience of loneliness. During our second year of marriage, I was working from home on editing a Bible study workbook in Spanish. Aside from my husband and the students I tutored weekly in Spanish, I only saw people on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and when I went to the grocery store. The hours I spent in silence, alone, seemed endless.

    Then the pandemic hit.

    Thankfully, a congregation in another town continued meeting. We drove up and met with them in the parking lot on Sundays. That was the highlight of my week – seeing their faces and waving to one another through the windows. Watching Hebrews 10:25 lived out was so encouraging to me. There is a reason that God inspired the author to write that command to not forsake the assembly – it is both for the sake of ourselves and for the sake of others. Even though we were singing in our cars and hearing the sermon broadcasted through the radio, we were still able to find a way to assemble and worship truly together.

    We belong to one another. Paul writes, “you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household (Eph. 2:19). As members of God’s household in Christ, “we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others” (Rom. 12:5). Has someone helped you feel like you belong? During my season of struggle, a mom from our congregation invited me to breakfast with her and one of her young children, and then to tag along on their grocery shopping trip. While going grocery shopping may seem mundane, it can be made into a ministry opportunity. Her invitation welcomed me to come alongside her and reminded me that I was not alone. What we did together was immaterial; I was grateful for being included in their lives. She made me feel like I belonged, and I hope her simple action will inspire you to do the same for another sister.

    #IronRoseSister #HIStories #loneliness #community #oneanother #notaloneinChrist #guestwriter #blog

  • Loss is Gain

    KatieWritten by Katie Forbess, volunteer and President of IRSM Board

    Iron Rose Sister Ministries’ theme for this year is “Committed to Christ 24/7 in 2024.”

    Have you ever stood in a moment when you felt you could lose everything? I mean everything could literally be taken away from you. The life that you were living and all the reasons that you were holding your head high could be removed from you. If you were to lose literally everything that you had, what would you be left with?

    I can’t say that this has happened to me, but I did face a time in which I seriously considered that it could. What was I left with? Christ. I was left with Christ. Christ to show me how to act and what to do. Christ to define who I am. Christ to give me a reason to keep going and put one foot in front of the other. Christ to allow me to say, “It’s going to be okay. I don’t know when or exactly how, but it’s going to be okay.”

    But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ” (Php. 3:7).

    What did I gain? All that stuff that I was scared to lose became nothing, in comparison to my desire to know Christ better. Follow Him more. Read my Bible more. Talk to others about Him more. That experience made me rethink the way that I live day to day and the way that I am committed to Christ.

    The theme for this year is very personal to me as I strive to continue counting everything lost in comparison to what I find and look forward to finding in Christ. I now live committed to Christ 24/7 but does that mean that I don’t have more to learn? No.

    How does that commitment shape and form every other commitment in my life? I can say that what we will be studying this year as our theme was foundational to how I made it out of that situation and how it strengthened my resolve to get closer to Him.

    Each month we will focus on a new theme to help us consider how we can be more committed to Christ including “Committed in Prayer,” “Committed to One Another in Christ,” and “Committed to Trust and Obey.”

    Take a minute to consider everything you have as a loss compared to Christ. Every title you have earned, every relationship that you are in, all the money you have made—everything is gone. What are you left with? I pray the answer is Christ.


  • Love the Lord with All Your Heart

    Ilca MedeirosWritten by Ilca Medeiros, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Brazil

    “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Mt 22:36-40 NIV)

    When we are called to talk about love for God, we almost automatically begin to talk about His love for us. We can do this excellently because it is a perfect and spotless love. When we become aware of such great love and such an impactful example, we come across a commandment (Mt 22:36-40), which would not make sense to us if it did not come from God: “Love”! It is not a love of only feelings, but of action. The Bible says that we should love Him above all things and this love is a reflection of God's unconditional love for us. First John 4:19 says, “We love because he first loved us.” When we feel this love for God, we want to please Him, obey Him, and serve Him with a heart full of gratitude.

    The first source of love for God according to Matthew 22:36-40 is the HEART.
    A clean heart without bitterness and resentment is a fertile land for cultivating love, which spreads to everyone around us. Whoever loves God with all their heart longs to be with Him, draws closer to Him, and develops intimacy through prayer, communion, and His Word. We like to be around those we love. So it should be with God. He doesn't need anything we have. Not even our love. Now we can imagine our Creator rejoicing in the fact that we love Him with all our hearts! I know that we are capable of feeling such love, of being side by side with Him every day, because He Himself promised in Matthew 28:20 that He would be with us every day. On good days and bad days. Just hold His hand.

    God knows how much we love Him by the way we treat our brothers and sisters. How we are connected to each other, how we see each other, how we care for and serve those in need. “...Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister” (1Jn 4:21).

    The second source of love for God according to Matthew 22:36-40 is the SOUL.
    Our soul is the center of our attitudes. It leads us to practice what comes from the heart. It's feeling in practice! The word soul comes from the Latin animu which means “that which animates”. It reveals our personality; it is the center of our will. Loving God with our soul means leaving behind everything that imprisons us and prevents us from serving. It's denying ourselves when love requires sacrifice and change.

    When we love God in our souls, we seek communion with our brothers and sisters even when our bodies are tired and we don't want to go to church. We still strive to offer God the best of ourselves with attitudes that please Him.

    What our soul feels reflects in our body and our actions. We cannot forget to feed our souls with good things so that every offering of love to God has a sweet aroma. We become weak in our souls when we leave God out of our battles.

    The third source of love for God according to Matthew 22:36-40 is UNDERSTANDING.
    When we make the decision to serve God, we are asked if we understand the importance of our decision, and we say yes. We understand that from then on, our lives are linked to God for eternity. Once the initial thrill has passed, it is worth reflecting on: Who is God for us? What difference does He make in our lives? Are our relationships influenced by Him?

    The way we understand our new life in Christ makes us grateful, happy, and full of hope. We return to God a love that comes from Him. To understand His love, it is necessary for Him to live in us, as there is no other source of understanding this love other than in Him. The same God who loves us in practice, commands us to love Him. We are not obligated, but motivated to love Him by understanding that He is everything in us, knowing that He is our Creator, Father of Love, and Protector.

    We love God when we understand the size of the connection we have with Him. We love not only in moments of blessings received but based on His feelings for us. Constant, continuous, and unconditional.

    We can make a list of things we still are not doing to demonstrate our love for God. This love must be contagious. May everyone around us know how much we love Him, and may they want to know Him.


Iron Rose Sister Ministries (IRSM) is a registered 501(c)3 public charity. All donations are tax-deductible.


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