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PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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After speaking with the woman at the well, Jesus told His disciples that He had food to eat that they knew nothing about (John 4:32).  As 236 women gathered yesterday from 12 countries for the International Women's Conference, they tasted of the spiritual food and drink that was provided through the singing, the lessons, and the fellowship.  What a blessing!

I was honored with the opportunity to share with them about Personal Unity with God.  And I, too, was spiritually fed and nourished in hearing the way God used me to speak to them, encourage them and challenge them.

Food and Family on Fridays.  That is definitely what is happening today.  We will be  partaking of a rich banquet of spiritual food with many sisters in Christ.  Thank you for keeping us in your prayers!

Please also pray that the Humano Y Santo books will arrive on Saturday in time to bless the many women in attendance!  (long story about why we don't have them yet)


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