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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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Thursday night, after the activities at the conference, the Christian sister with whom I am staying did someone else a favor by giving a ride to a visiting Christian sister from Miami to the house she would be staying.

On our way to the other side of Houston, we got talking about Iron Rose Sister Ministries, the book, Human AND Holy, future books to be published, and the women's ministry at the church where she is involved in Miami.

As we discussed things, I asked her to tell me how she came to Christ.  "It was through my husband..." she began the story.  However, she was the first from her own family to come to Christ.  After becoming a Christian, when she returned to her native country, Bolivia, to visit her family, she looked up the information to find a Church of Christ in her hometown.  She especially want to invite her family to go to church with her and share the good news with them.

When I asked her what city in Bolivia she was from, she answered "Cochabamba," which "happens" to be the same place where my friends and co-laborers in Iron Rose Sister Ministries had worked for seven years as missionaries: Jeff and Katie Forbess!  Katie is the President of the Iron Rose Sister Ministries Board of Directors.  What a "coincidence," right?!

But the "coincidences" don't end there.  Upon continuing her conversion story, Maria Esperanza told me that the second person in her family to come to faith was her sister, Renata.  "Renata?!" I asked her, laughing and holding my breath.  "The same Renata that Katie and others have told me I need to meet because of her talents with jewelry so she can design a necklace with the logo for Iron Rose Sister Ministries?"

Maria Esperanza confirmed her sister's talents and we spent the rest of the night smiling with God at the "coincidence" of having met each other that night and having the opportunity to make that connection while driving across the city of Houston.  To God be all the glory!


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