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What better occasion for Throwback Thursday than a birthday.  Mine is today.  Thirty-six years ago today, my mom went through an eighteen-hour back labor so that I could be born at 12:14pm.  Thanks again, mom!

But today's throwback thoughts don't go back to my birth, but rather to last year on one of the ugliest and saddest days I have ever experienced.  I remember clearly texting a friend and asking her to remind me that things would get better, while expressing my frustration at the day and that things were going nothing like I had planned.  She patiently responded to my rhetorical questions and I continue to be grateful for her friendship.

The following night, I went to dinner with some friends and was given a stuffed animal puppy - the only animal I will likely ever own.  I don't hate animals, but I much prefer people and have other priorities that, for me, are higher than taking care of animals.  I know that some of you are now either hating me or strategizing on how you can prove to me that your animal is the best and one I would immediately fall in love with.

But my point is this: last year, I had a rough birthday, but was blessed to have friends by my side.  These were friends that respected the tough place I was in and allowed me to write ugly and angry text messages.  They understood my avoidance of pets and gave me a stuffed animal dog instead - one that I can look at each night and remember that I am loved, I am prayed for, and I am not alone.

May you know those promises as well.  Because I truly do love each of you that are reading this blog.  I pray for you constantly.  And one of my prayers is that you may know that you are not alone.


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