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Aileen BonillaWritten by Aileen Bonilla, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Ecuador

The story of Sapphira and Ananias is very short but full of a great message for us in these times (Acts 5:1-11). At that time the faithful believers brought their offerings so that the apostles could administer them in the best way. This offering was voluntary and the most beautiful thing of all is that they were conscious offerings. That is, each believer gave of his possessions because he understood that the church had a need, and above all, that it would serve to continue to spread the glorious Gospel of Christ (Acts 4:32-36).

However, God shows us that despite the fact that many understood this truth, there were also those who wanted to be seen and applauded by men. The intention of Sapphira and Ananias was not sincere or complete before God. It was not wrong to give only part of the money. What's more, I would say, they didn't even have to do it. But they decided that perhaps this offering would be useful. However, they forgot that everything we do for the Kingdom must be handled with simplicity and in secret, waiting only for God's reward (Mt. 6:3-5).

Sapphira and her husband thought that their hypocrisy would go unnoticed, they thought that they could deceive God. Hypocrisy is not only an evil that affects our interpersonal relationships, but also affects our relationship with God. He hates it when we try to think of Him as an object to be mocked, and even more so if we teach this horrible attitude to others.

Let’s look at this text: “There are six things the LORD hates, no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kills the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family” (Prov. 6:16-19, NLT). In this text there is an incredible order. First, we are shown that God hates arrogant eyes, followed by a lying tongue. For those who suffer from pride, their life will usually be full of lies.

Pride has always been man's worst enemy, since this defect prevents a person from being corrected, instructed, or grateful. Sapphira and Ananias's attitude was pride disguised as generosity. Therefore, God purged His Church in this way, as this brings blessing to all.

Half-truths are also lies. It seems to sound strong because many times we have gone down that path, perhaps to look good or not look so bad in some situation. The fabricated lies are very dangerous and, above all, the Lord greatly hates them.

Arrogance, as the Proverbs text shows us, brings serious consequences to our lives, not just for telling lies. It also brings discord in the family. Since the Church is the family of God, He will not let this evil grow out of proportion. Like Sapphira and Ananias, we can have that attitude.

We can have a false pride in being humble, and this is also very detestable for everyone. It's like a bad perfume that permeates the whole room. Cheap perfume is scandalous, and nauseating. In the same way, pride in our faith and humility becomes like that cheap perfume. Would you rather be a subtle and delicate perfume or a cheap and scandalous one?

Jesus said of Himself: “Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart,” (Mt. 11:29). Sometimes we assume we know everything, perhaps due to the years we have been in the church, but the truth is that our earthly life is a time for continuous learning. That is the true key, to never stop learning.

On the other hand, only Jesus can authoritatively attribute these qualities because He is the source of everything, be it knowledge, wisdom, goodness, love, humility, meekness, among other wonderful characteristics. So, it leads us to reflect that if we don’t spend time with the Teacher, then falling into lies and pride will be much easier.

Let’s not run to do evil, I imagine this couple trying to get where the apostles were to give them this supposed gift. They were eager to be recognized by the people, as were many Pharisees of the time. But, in this new Kingdom it was no longer going to be like that.

God tells us that we are new creatures through Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5:17), this translates as a reprogramming in our being. That is, if before we loved to brag about our achievements, now this should no longer be valuable in our eyes. Let us enter the Heavenly home not by means of our "good deeds" nor by our "titles," but by faith or trust placed in Christ Jesus.

It is sad to see how many Christians lie about irrelevant things. In the different ministries, many make excuses for not getting involved, as if saying that they really don’t want to or don’t feel prepared for what they see as difficult. Also, I have been able to observe the other extreme, those who do everything with pompoms and tambourines to appear as the most generous or the most concerned about their neighbor. One more reason why God decided to uproot this couple in the early Church.

Finally, Sapphira should have been that wise and prudent woman advising her husband to do the right thing before God. This teaches us how true the advice of Proverbs 14:1 is. As women we must ask God for a lot of wisdom, through the study of the Word, meditation, prayer and fasting. These four components together will help us connect with God in an incredible way.

Join me in praying: Lord, help us to be more like You. Our hearts often think about the evil, but we know that you can change that reality. Cleanse us from evil every day and help us to be able to be more committed to Your work. In Jesus, amen.

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