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Johanna ZabalaBy Johanna Zabala, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Ecuador

Do you know what is the first thing that our Heavenly Father formed in us? The heart. Yes, our heart, this being the first purposeful organ that God himself designed in the fertilization process. How wonderful! Let's look at Psalm 139:13-24. From the womb of each mother, He formed us. What a blessing! All details, thoughts, purposes, plans, and tests are and will be in Him and for Him.

Also, in the book of Jeremiah in chapter 1:5-10 (CEV), it says:

““Jeremiah, I am your Creator, and before you were born, I chose you to speak for me to the nations.” I replied, “I'm not a good speaker, Lord, and I'm too young.” “Don't say you're too young,” the Lord answered. “If I tell you to go and speak to someone, then go! And when I tell you what to say, don't leave out a word! 8 I promise to be with you and keep you safe, so don't be afraid.” The Lord reached out his hand, then he touched my mouth and said, “I am giving you the words to say, and I am sending you with authority to speak to the nations for me. You will tell them of doom and destruction, and of rising and rebuilding again.””

Given this text, it is extensively highlighted that we are of God, as His most beautiful creation, so we must continually seek to purify ourselves in His presence. Over time, I have taken a close look at the compelling need In each facet of life… that we should strive that our hearts be in the likeness of God's heart, as expressed in Proverbs 4:23.

I have considered that especially when we are growing up, a large percentage of information that we own automatically is acquired from our environment, from the good and the bad of everything. In that learning, dad and mom will always have a significant role in the individual structure of each person.

Every day we see many marital situations in any family, and some are even narrated in the Bible. When reading the book of Acts, specifically in chapter 5, verses 1 to 11, there is the couple Ananias and Sapphira, a union like any other, with possible spiritual struggles; and they, based on the context, had material possessions and properties. Both belonged to the church that met to serve the Lord. However, their hearts were far from what God wanted for them; dishonoring the Holy Spirit, when He knows everything about us.

Feelings and desires come from the human heart, marriage being one of them. It is a Christian duty to keep the marital union set apart for God inside and outside the church. We are all called to show the identity of Christ. It is not an easy task, but it is necessary with a pure and respectful heart.

From the testimony of Ananias and Sapphira, we must never let go of the relationship with the Heavenly Father from our intimacy; this is essential. We can be tempted to stray from God's blessing to the curse. If we, as women of God, allow marriage not to be an example in everything and not to be a team of faith and trust in God, or we let Satan fill the heart of either one, lying, pretending, and not loving the will of God, we can fall and die irretrievably.

The marriage that God designed for us is a supreme plan of Himself. He wants it to be for a holy purpose. He wants us to be a team, to be one with Him.

All this invites us to be aware of what we are and what we have under the presence of the Creator and His immense love for each one of us. In other words, each relationship requires sincerity, love for one's neighbor, obedience, and intimacy with God in every decision and action. Adding that we have an opportunity for changes for the Heavenly Father, which leads us to constantly heal our hearts. Over time it has been contaminated and, if we don't realize it, it can make us sick both spiritually and physically.

Ananias and Sapphira died both spiritually and physically. They had their attention on having money and not on the truth of the Lord. Free will is true, but lying greedily and without repentance, is something God hates and destroys.

Let us ask the eternal Father in prayer that we don’t fill our hearts with evil but with Him. Likewise, that we may be purified daily and that He keep our marriages in holiness and love, in Christ Jesus. Let us never delight in a lie, however small it may be; for the father of lies is Satan (Jn. 8:44).

Let's analyze this then: who do I serve, the Father of Truth or the father of lies? Am I irreverent in the presence of the Creator? Do I allow the Heavenly Father to search my heart? Do I work in fear and love of God? Am I really going to be the right help for my husband?

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