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Lisanka MartinezWritten by Lisanka Martínez, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Venezuela

““So they called Rebekah and asked her, “Will you go with this man?” “I will go,” she said.”” (Gen. 24:58)

When my eldest daughter told us her decision to go to another country, 5,899 miles away from ours, to meet her groom's family, we were filled with apprehension, doubts and fears, which we expressed to her. Not only us, her parents, but also my older sister, my mom and other family members. It seemed so crazy to us that she had to go so far without knowing what she was going to find when interacting with such different people—different in age, culture, language, religion, among other things. She, showing great courage, decided to step out in faith, take the risk and walk away, leaving us worried about her future.

Comparing this family story with Rebekah's story, despite the obvious differences such as the fact that her family agreed, I notice that they have things in common: courage, good disposition, and the desire to discover God's plans in their lives.

Analyzing Rebekah's story, a little, we notice her great qualities when:

  1. She went out of her way to please a stranger (Abraham's Servant), which shows her hospitality (Gen. 17-20).
  2. She was God's answer to a prayer of faith (Gen. 24:12-14).
  3. She showed confidence in the direction God was giving to her life by accepting this change of circumstances (Gen. 24:58).
  4. She also showed patience and humility when making that camel journey of about 800 km (500 miles).
  5. It is an example of respect, submission and humility, shown by the gesture of covering her head with a cloak when she knew that the one who approached them was her future husband (Gen. 24:65).

Sarah’s story was repeated in Rebekah’s. She was beautiful and also barren, which changed by divine intervention. It should be noted that Rebekah, being so young, risked being separated from her family to start an adventure that she did not know how it would end. This is obviously not easy: to leave the family circle, to leave everything she was accustomed to, according to the rules and tasks for each family member. She found courage to do it, sometimes with positive results, at other times, not so much, but in the end, to fulfill God's covenant with Abraham. Her decision to leave on that unexpected trip led her to be an important part of something transcendental in the history of humanity.

Being encouraged to break ties with the family, even for a while, is not for all of us, but God has a way and a solution for each situation. Whether you have to do it to meet your future husband's family, for work or studies; because the situation in your country has become so difficult that you want to look for a better future in other lands, or because you have decided to be a missionary, or you have become a widow, you are single and retired wanting to change your life... God will always take care of guiding you, taking care of your when undertaking a journey like this, even when you have a difficult past, a complicated present, or you cannot even glimpse light in your future. God always knows your starting point and the place you will arrive at.

If you feel that that change, that unexpected plan is really His divine will, be humble and trust. Let yourself be guided by God towards a possibly extraordinary future. Are you willing to follow Rebekah's example and do what God expects from you? Will you trust that His plans are always the best?

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