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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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Today, appropriately, for Food and Family on Fridays, I am headed across snow-plowed highways to visit family in Iowa.  We will spend the weekend there on farm land and gather on Sunday to worship with a small, but faithful group of saints that gather at the Tent Chapel Church of Christ each week.

My travels have taken me many places and there are many more stories to share on Story-time Saturdays.  However, one of the things I have learned and affirmed with each passing year is that there is nothing like time with family - family you're related to or family in Christ.

I have visited many beautiful locations: mountains, meadows, streams, oceans, beaches, desert, jungle, breathtaking architecture made my man and made by God.  Nothing compares to the treasured memories of time shared with family, both kinds.

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