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Every summer, as a family, we would drive up to Iowa around the 4th of July to visit Grandma and Grandpa on the farm.  There are many fun memories of throwing corn to the pigs, picking vegetables in the garden, making cookies with Grandma, riding the 4-wheeler with Grandpa, fresh corn on the table, and playing croquet in the front yard.

Grandma passed away my senior year in high school and Grandpa re-married three years later.  That is actually a great story I'll share someday soon...

But back to my point for this Makeover Monday.  This past weekend, I rode with my parents from Denver to Iowa to visit Grandpa for the weekend.  It felt a little different sitting in the back seat as an adult with my parents in the front seats as they always were growing up.  Road trips were the norm as a child as our closest relatives lived 8 hours away and airplane tickets for a family of 6 were out of the question.

Our road trips were filled with the typical impatience of siblings, but also a great sense of adventure and creativity.  We sang along with cassette tapes, danced in the back seat, and counted license plates from as many states as we could find.

Riding in the back seat with my parents reminded me that, as a child, I had no worries about where we were going or how we would get there.  I was not in control and I was ok with that because I was safe.  Somewhere along the way that changed.  I became older and my desire for control grew.

This past weekend, as I was literally and figuratively 'along for the ride,' it was nice to know I was safe in the back seat and that I didn't have to be in control.  What's even better is when we let God take the driver's seat and we rest safe in the back seat under His control.

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