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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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If you had to list the top things that have had the greatest impact on the transformation in your life, I feel sure that one or two names of people that have been significant to you would appear on the list.  Relationships are transformational.  Godly relationships are pivotal in the transformation process.

I am in the final stages of preparation for the Ladies' Mini-Retreat at the South Baton Rouge Church of Christ this weekend.  I'm excited to share with the ladies about "CHRISTian Relationships," but I'm even more excited to get to see so many of those with whom I have solid Christian relationships and that have been transformational in my own Christian walk.

I've heard it said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with or are closest to.  May you be blessed to be surrounded by great Christian sisters and value the role they play in your life - and you in theirs!


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