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PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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My brother-in-law is building a bathroom in the basement.  It will add value to the house, but an added value is for me to not have to walk upstairs if I need to use the facilities in the middle of the night ;)  I continue to be grateful for my sister and brother-in-law's generosity and hospitality.

As I was looking at the bathroom and getting an update on his progress, we were excited to see the base of the shower in place.  We discussed a few more of the things and how they were coming along, but in the process, I made a comment about how much work was represented under the shower base: the jackhammering, the plumbing, the cementing, drain installation, and a myriad of other things I know I don't fully understand.

As my brother-in-law was listing all the things left to be done, I was wanting to recognize all he had already accomplished.  Wow, what a reminder to myself.  I have felt overwhelmed with all that is left to be done, the myriad of things I don't fully understand that God has called me and others to in Iron Rose Sister Ministries and sometimes don't take a moment to rejoice in all that has been done thus far.

So on this Makeover Monday, I will give my perspective a makeover and take a moment to recognize all the work of so many that has led to the culmination of the release of Human AND Holy - celebrate this "shower base," if you will.

What can you take a moment to celebrate today?  It may be only a step in the process, but one that represents a lot of behind-the-scenes work that you and God are well aware of.

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