I recently had an image of myself as Dick van Dyke in Mary Poppins. Not the chimney sweep, not the one jumping into paintings, not even the one in the pin striped suit dancing with penguins (although I do enjoy walking like a penguin with my nephew).

No, I imagined myself with a lost and dumb-founded face after attempting to play and sing a song as a one man band.
As a known multi-tasker, I can fall into the trap of wanting to do it all: walk to the beat of the drum, clash the cymbals, blow the trumpet, hit my head against the horn, and also play the harmonica. Or not.
No one can do it on their own. The beauty of a band is that a diverse group of people join together to play a variety of instruments, all directed by a conductor to create a beautiful sound that transmits a message to the audience.
There is very limited, if any, beautiful sound coming out of a one man band and the only message being transmitted is one of chaos.
As I move forward in Iron Rose Sister Ministries, I am working to define the different parts that others can also play to bring together a beautiful sound that transmits God's message to women across the Americas.
Stay tuned!