I’m sure you’re already aware of this, but it is a lot of work to write a book. I told Katie, the IRSM President, that the other day and all she could do was laugh. Actually, she couldn’t stop laughing. She finally responded, “Um, yeah! And you’re the one that wants to do at least one a year!”
I know. I know. I should’ve known what I’ve gotten myself into. And I do. I actually enjoy the research, the prayer, the conversations with women in studies, the interaction with the material, the personal spiritual growth, and the potential ways in which God can use me and my writing to touch others’ lives – that they may deepen their relationships with God and with one another.

But it’s a lot of work! So, please pray for me as I continually seek God’s will and God’s message through the writing of Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word.
Is there something you’re working on that takes a lot of work, but you know is worth it? Can I pray for you in that as well?