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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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Zygmunt Bauman, a Polish sociologist, proposes that our culture is defined by liquid modernity and therefore devoid of solid structures. This means that our relational bonds are weak; our networks are social, but superficial; our lives are fragmented.

This liquid modernity affects us as individuals, families, churches, and a society as a whole. If we are going to make an impact that facilitates change, we must recognize that cultural revolutions begin in the middle organization of community, which has almost disappeared.

Traditional organization of community:
Macro – Nation, empire
Middle – Tribe, village, society (up to 300 people)
Micro – Individual, marriage, household (a handful of people)

Current organization of community:
Macro – Nation, internet, corporation
Middle – Almost nonexistent (a liquid society kills the structures and conventions here)
Micro – Me

But defining the problem is only the first step.

How do we address this societal breakdown? How can we rebuild middle community and impact a cultural change?

The answer: Relationships! God has given the church the answer. Mentoring, small group Bible studies, prayer partners… the very structures that Iron Rose Sister Ministries (IRSM) is dedicated to rebuilding!

As women, we hunger for strong relational bonds, strengthening and encouraging networks, solid, un-fragmented lives – the depth of relationship that is offered in Christ. However, we often lack the understanding, the skills, or the experience that make those kinds of relationships possible.

IRSM longs to equip women to connect more deeply to God and one another, thus redeeming our families and our churches for God. And we invite you to join us on the journey of redemption through intentional relationships.

There is so much more to explore on this topic, but what do you think of the concept of liquid modernity? Does the church provide the answer? How can you make a difference to rebuild community?

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