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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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On Wednesday nights, a group of women here in Denver gather to discover what it means to be human and holy. We laugh together, disagree, listen, dig into the Word, examine Jesus’ example, pray, and always leave encouraged. It has been a breath of fresh air for several women who have been longing for a context in which they can be authentic.

To facilitate our discussions, we are using the 13-week interactive small group Bible study book I wrote, Human AND Holy. This week, we will be looking at chapter 5, “Relationships” and how we can follow Jesus’ example to keep our relationships holy – not perfect, set apart. Set apart from the world and for a purpose.

What a blessing to share with other women on the journey! Last week, as we looked at “Brokenness, Pain, and Loss,” we were reminded that we are not alone in the challenges we face. At the end of our time together, which is always too short, the sister leading the discussion made an observation: “Do you realize how starved we all are to share our struggles and tell others about what is really going on in our lives?!”

Are you feeling similarly starved? I guarantee you are not alone. We have to take the time and make the effort to give someone a call, meet for coffee, send a text, or mail a handwritten note. Think of the difference it would make in your day if someone did that for you.

Let’s make our relationships holy – set apart from the world for a purpose. In these relationships, we can be authentic and even vulnerable because God is the author of them and longs to bless us through relationship.

(If you are interested in starting a Human AND Holy study, books are available to order on our website, or you can call 303-482-1966 to order over the phone. If a 13 week study seems like too much of a commitment at this time, I encourage you to download our ePetal study – free when you subscribe to our blog. The important thing is to be intentional in your relationships – we want to equip you with the tools to help make that happen.)

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