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Written by Iron Rose Sister Ministries team and Board Members
As President of the Board and self-appointed, glorified cheerleader for IRSM, my prayer request is for unity and wisdom as the team and board work together to God’s glory.
~ Katie Forbess, President of the Board
Thankful for all of the resources provided by God, I pray that we will calm our hearts enough to allow us to step back and look at the many needs in the ministry, the wisdom to discern and set priorities, and the will and strength that trusts in God’s power and strength to do everything possible to tend to them. In Jesus' name,
~ Fernando Butch Sandoval, Board Member
My prayer is that IRSM will be integral to more churches in equipping and encouraging their women members.
~ Mark Vaughn, Board Member
I pray for all our Iron Rose Sisters to find peace amidst the chaos, and to seek the glory of God. May we store up our treasures in heaven.
~ Wendy Neill, Advancement Coordinator
I pray that IRSM continues to be strengthened as a community and that these resources may bless and connect people.
~ Alex Marins, English/Portuguese Translator/Editor
Thank you, Lord, for what you do through this ministry. Continue using it to equip women and show them how much You love and care for them.
~ Débora Rodrigo, English/Spanish Translator/Editor
I pray for direction for the Ministério Irmã Rosa de Ferro so that it will glorify God in Brazil and other Portuguese-speaking countries in 2024.
~ Laurie Diles, Board Member
My prayer for Iron Rose Sister Ministries in 2024 is for God to continue to be glorified in all it does, for women to continue to be equipped, encouraged, and empowered through its resources, and for relationships to continue to deepen in Christ.
~ Amanda Nitsch, Director of Operations
My prayer is that God may direct us to the women who hunger and thirst for the gospel—that we can provide them with Bible teaching and study materials to help them in their walk and share with others around them.
~ Judy Larsen, Office Assistant
May God open the doors so that we can present the ministry in person in more places in Brazil, organizing and participating in events.
~ Beliza Kočev, Brazil Coordinator
My prayer is that God will continue to bless the areas where IRSM is already having an impact and open up new places in the world for IRSM to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
~ Juana Hall, Financial Assistant
I pray that all that we share in social media may, in one way or another, impact the women who follow us. May we encourage them to draw closer to God and each other with the help of the ministry.
~ Francia Oviedo, Creative Assistant
May God continue to use us to equip, encourage, and empower women in their walks with God and each other, especially through the new book that will be released this fall and the new video resources rolling out in Spanish and Portuguese.
~ Michelle J. Goff, Founder and Executive Director
We request that you pray with us for those who need the connection and encouragement to find their way to our ministry and that our ministry will bring them closer to the Lord. Similarly, please pray for all of us Iron Rose Sisters, that we will be welcoming and genuine representatives of Jesus when others cross our paths.
~ Hannah Hackworth, Virtual Assistant
May God allow the team and board members to work together to fulfill God’s calling for Iron Rose Sister Ministries by remaining committed to Christ individually, and that all our efforts during the year will encourage, equip, and empower women across the Americas to seek God’s kingdom and remain committed to Christ!
~ Brenda Brizendine, Assistant Director
I pray that all the women who have been blessed by IRSM will use the teaching and resources they have received and share them with others this year. In this way, those who have been blessed may become a blessing to many others.
~ Bill Richardson, Board Member
I pray that 2024 will be a year of banner growth for IRSM! I pray for good health and wellbeing for Michelle and the entire IRSM team and board. Most importantly, I pray that each and every woman who connects with IRSM grows exponentially in their faith or comes to know Jesus through this beautiful ministry.
~ Kat Bittner, Board Member
My prayer is that God will use each of our gifts and talents for this ministry to build and support women's efforts to fully commit to Christ in 2024 through blogs, books, workshops, prayer, and fellowship.
~ Brenda Davis, English Editor
Written by Eliuth de Valencia, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colombia
Some events that come our way are outside of our plans. In my case—my conversion, my marriage, my help in the ministry, living in a foreign land—none of these were planned, although I desired to do everything right. Throughout my 43 years, when I have been troubled and doubtful, I kept a strong conviction that God was in control.
Scripture doesn't give us much information about David’s circumstances when he wrote Psalm 37, but we can be sure he felt his enemies were winning. Throughout much of the Psalm, the shepherd-king seems to be reflecting on the consequences that will come to the wicked. In verse 5 of Psalm 37, he gives us an answer to what we can do to secure this promise: "Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act" (ESV).
This causes me to reflect on the moments of unexpected pain and uncertainty which have strengthened my commitment to Christ so much that they cultivated a peaceful heart in the midst of a turbulent world. I hope you can develop such meditation in this psalm so that these thoughts will be a part of you as you surrender your plans to God.
Surely, when we look around and see the wickedness of this world, we see evildoers. You may see their actions when you watch or listen to the news, at home, at work, or even at church. Are there evildoers in the church? Unfortunately, there are. In my observation, there are people who, instead of centering their lives on Christ, do what they want, even bad and sinful things. So what do we do?
I recognize that this passage is about those of us who are prone to anger, hyperventilation, stress, and anxiety. Suddenly, a kind of anger begins to boil within me that, if I don't handle it God's way, can express itself in ways of speaking and acting that are not pleasing to the Lord. "To be easily irritated can lead me to do evil" (Ps. 37:8 paraphrased).
If you become irritated in response to evil, you can become an evildoer, just like the one who caused you the initial irritation. We want to avoid acting in the same way that people who irritate us do. Then David tells us:
"Fret not yourself" (v.1) Instead, we should look up to God.
"Trust in the Lord and do good" (v.3).
"Commit your way to the Lord" (v.5). He will act on our behalf.
"Trust quietly in the Lord and wait patiently for him." Verses 5, 6, 7, and 8 again talk about looking up.
With a firm resolution not to be irritated and a future full of confidence in the actions of my Lord, whether here on earth or on the day of judgment, all wrongs will be corrected. Things are going to work out. They're going to change in God's timing. God is in control.
"Fret not yourself because of evildoers." Don't stress. “Be not envious of wrongdoers" (v.1), "For they will soon fade like the grass" (v.2). “For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land” (v.9).
Notice the contrast between the future of evildoers and the future of the meek and righteous. What is the psalmist saying? You don't just have to look up; you have to look forward—the promise may be delayed. Think long-term about God's sovereignty and plans. Look to the future. Don't just look at the here and now. Look forward by faith, and God tells you what He will do.
And, by the way, you should look into your heart if you find yourself making bad choices or living an evil, ungodly, sinful life. If your life is not committed to Christ and you resist His lordship in any area of your life, then you are living wickedly. If we don’t repent and accept His grace, things look grim for our future.
But Psalm 37 is a very encouraging passage for those being crushed by the wicked today. Keep your eyes on the goal. Remember what's going to happen. This will help you not get irritated, but trust in the Lord. Remember, looking at life from the perspective of eternity helps us face and endure the hardships and injustices of this life.
Grace and peace.