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Written by Johanna Zabala, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Venezuela
“...On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.” (Ps. 63:6 NIV)
Ever since I came to know the love and mercy of a Sovereign God, prayer has been a sublime spiritual activity. In prayer, soul and Divinity are connected, making possible the experience of life and healing. Today, being committed to Christ, every moment leads me to a fuller relationship with Him and, therefore, to follow the model prayer that He left us.
In my childhood, the prayer I learned from the Lord's Prayer became that direct conversation with Him. I didn't know then that this prayer would be the reference pattern for structuring my prayers in a particular way in vigils, by day and by night, where it would fill me with faith and spiritual awareness.
I remember that almost 25 years ago, I entered the hospital to give birth to my first daughter. It was a rainy night and one of the times when I began to pour myself out in prayer. Sorting out my thoughts and feelings, I recognized the grandeur of that moment of waiting, knowing that it was He who was with me.
At that moment, the pattern of prayer I learned as a child flashed through my mind, and in that experience, Almighty God and His purposes led me to cry out for sanctification in His holy name. Driven to do His will in that moment of uncertainty, not knowing what would happen, in that moment I came to ask for forgiveness with all my being and that I would forgive those who had offended me.. In the midst of pain unknown and new to me, I was filled with strength, concentration, and security that led to the success of a new life for the glory of God. This situation filled me with spiritual satisfaction from that moment until today. I have chosen that which allows my heart and soul to reject the sinful nature which counteracts the spiritual by separating me from God, , but instead nourishes me in this race of life.
From then on, every night vigil has comforted me. I know that in the presence of the Eternal and in uninterrupted intimate meditation, my mind, heart, and soul come together to confirm the security of His existence, giving answers in the Lord's perfect timing for every request and thanksgiving.
The nights, despite the day's weariness, are the most significant time in my relationship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is then that I can give an account of the day, its trials, and its learning, being at rest, knowing that everything is done in His name (is in His control).
Praying is, and always will be, a holy privilege, where unique communication flows with the majesty of the Heavenly Father through Christ Jesus and His teachings, miracles, and human and holy examples that inspire us to follow in His footsteps of salvation and continual reflection.
All of the above points to full harmony and commitment to Christ, which is why in every prayer of the soul, there is so much peace, which is superior to any distraction from the earthly world.
Likewise, in prayer you learn dependence, submission, love, security, and certainty that everything depends on God's will, not yours. Prayer is, and always will be, the continuous path to spiritual blessings at all times—in times of joy, in struggles, in trials, in times of seeking direction and holiness. You sanctify, you bless His divine nature, you focus on His will to which you were called, you ask for physical help in earthly survival, you are led to forgiveness towards your neighbor and yourself, you receive strength to keep you from falling into temptation, and you are freed from evil.
When I can't sleep, I pray. Before I sleep, I pray, and my thoughts are held captive, keeping me aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit in every moment of life.
Do you live and love prayer? When you lie down, are your thoughts united with Christ?
Written by Marissa Gonzáles, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Guatemala
"Pray continually." (1Th 5:17 NIV)
As we read this verse, many of us may ask ourselves, “How can I accomplish this?”
Although some of us learned to pray from our parents or from someone who guided us in our spiritual lives, others did not have that support or teaching—they learned in the process of their growth in faith.
At some point in our lives, we all ask ourselves, “How should I pray? What will be the best way to do it?” Or we worry, “Why is our prayer not as fluid as others?”
Remember, praying is like conversing with someone very close to you to whom you want to tell everything you are going through or your life plans. In it, we find and achieve a close connection, and who better to do this with than our Heavenly Father—remembering that He is the center of everything and that our relationship with Him strengthens our life, faith, and prayers. When you start in prayer, it does not need to be extensive; start small, from your heart, and over time, it will become easier and more fluid.
Remember Jesus saying, "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you" (Mt 6:6).
Whenever possible, find a place without distractions where you feel comfortable. I know that for moms, grandmothers, or those in charge of a little one, it is not easy to have these spaces. But as soon as you have those little quiet moments, take advantage of them! Give yourself some time for your communication with God, especially if it's at the beginning of the day, and find a place where you feel safe, and where you can connect and know that He hears you. Jesus set the example for us.
"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." (Mk 1:35)
I know it may not be easy to get started, but something that helped me was to make a list of thanksgiving where I could write simple things: thanks for light, cold, heat, etc. Your list may initially be small, but you'll gradually add more. Also, consider in that list what you think are "bad" things; for example, you left home late, the tire of your car or motorcycle was punctured, the transportion you were awaiting was delayed, etc. You'll say, “Be thankful for that?!” Yes, there's something good in everything. What seems bad to you will leave you with a lesson learned, or it will free you from something more unpleasant than just the displeasure of the moment.
Remember the fruit of the Holy Spirit:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. (Gal 5:22-25)
And remember, praying isn't just about exposing all the needs or difficulties you're going through; it's not even just asking for what you don't have. Rather, it is the means to find peace as you connect with our Father, being grateful for what He allowed you to experience whether it is considered good or bad.
So, start by expressing thanks for every moment... Thank you, God, for this day, thank you for my family, thank you for the coffee, thank you...
Some may say, "How can you give thanks even for coffee?” Yes, we should also be thankful for little things like that because they give us pleasant and comfortable moments! By doing this, we improve our dialogue with God because it will no longer be just about giving thanks; we will also be mindful of why we say thank you. We will understand every situation in our daily lives, and we will be aware that we can change our attitude towards life and others, and that's where our relationship with God will grow.
With this as a foundation, you will form your prayer. Remember that Jesus left us guidance and an example when He prayed to the Father (Mt 6:7-15). Honoring our Heavenly Father, let us humbly present ourselves, ask Him for forgiveness for those faults we have committed, thank Him, express our love and trust in Him, and express what we feel from the heart— total dependency (24x7).
Be thoughtful about your prayers. Which do you do more: asking or being thankful?