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Communication is a two-way street. We were given two ears and one mouth, which means we should do twice as much listening as talking, right?
This past weekend, I led a ladies’ retreat in Spanish on the topic of communication. It was a blessing to share a timely topic with the ladies in attendance.
Then, Sunday, the sermon for the Spanish service was on communication. It was as if he had read a lot of my notes. Or maybe the Holy Spirit knew I needed a reminder from some of my own lessons.
James 1:19 says we should be “Quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” There’s an order to that advice. Listen first. Then speak, maybe. And don’t let what you hear or say allow you to become angry.
I have realized a greater need lately to not only listen to what someone else says, but to listen carefully to my own words and how I communicate them.
Do I speak with compassion? Do I intimidate? Is my message being heard and understood or rejected because of the way in which I communicate it?
A good challenge on this Makeover Monday…

The call at 10am was an invitation to pick plums about a half mile from the house. They were prolific! The clusters looked more like grapes than plums and the tree was sagging with the weight of its fruit.
We picked almost 100 lbs of plums and I came home with about 20 of the pounds.
With about 8 cups of plums, cooked down in a 2 quart pot, I made the sauce for a plum cobbler. Here a few pictures and the recipe below (gluten, dairy, and sugar free).
Slice plums and simmer on medium-low heat with the following ingredients stirred in:
¼ cup brown rice syrup
3 packets of Stevia
1 tsp lemon or lime juice
½ tsp. nutmeg
1 Tbsp tapioca flour (for thickening)
Plums will turn red and the sauce will begin to thicken. It will thicken more as it bakes and cools later.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
½ cup each of brown rice flour, garbanzo/fava flour, tapioca flour
½ tsp. salt
½ cup coconut oil cut into dry ingredients
approx. 3 Tbsp rice milk to moisten
Pat crust into a 9x13 glass pan. Bake for 15-20 minutes.
Add plum mixture and bake 25 minutes.
Allow to set at least 5 minutes and serve!