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Colorado has had a wet summer and the gardens have produced their crops much later in the season than normal.
Even if you don’t have the following as fresh garden ingredients as I had, enjoy this recipe for Food & Family on Fridays.

Cut zucchini long-ways and lay on greased baking sheet.
Top with the following, or whatever variation of this list you choose:
tomato sauce (or pizza sauce, spaghetti sauce, etc.)
finely chopped onions
goat cheese crumbles
shredded goat cheese
fresh basil
fresh oregano
salt and pepper
Bake at 350 for 20 minutes or until cheese is melted. Enjoy!

My sister, Jenn’s birthday is today. I can’t be there to celebrate with her, but the rest of us sisters will rejoice in her honor.
Jenn and I have gone through different seasons in our relationship. These seasons have often mirrored our respective relationships with God and can reflect different stages we go through in relationship with him. Allow me to provide a few examples:
There were times when I was the bossy older sister that wanted to make her do the dishes before mom and dad got home - we have scars to prove it.
Strong-willed children were either totally at odds or inseparable.
Her first year of high school was my senior year, so we walked to the bus stop together, harmonizing random songs as we walked through the arboretum.
College meant my “little sister” was hanging out with my friends and in my apartment, but it was cool and we were each navigating what it meant to be on our own in a different city.

Post-college brought some strain to our relationship based on different life choices we were each making, but Braves baseball and LSU football always gave us a safe topic to return to.
As we have each grown and matured - in life and in relationship with God - we have grown not only as sisters, but as friends.
Where do you currently seen your relationship with God or with your sisters (family or Christian sisters)?
Happy Birthday, Jenn!