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Written by Katie Forbess, President of Iron Rose Sister Ministries’ Board of Directors
Dear Sister ________ ,
Hi! How are you?
This month’s blog posts are about singles and so I decided to write you a letter with some thoughts about you and how much you are a vital and absolutely necessary part of the Whole. You are very crucial part of my life and the body of Christ.
You are an incredible part of my life, particularly my spiritual life. You have a perspective and encouragement for me that is entirely unique. I know that being single has been a struggle for you at times just like you know being married has been a struggle for me. You always bring me back to the Father in a way that is beautiful and affirming but don’t let me get away with anything either. Your ability to see me has not always been matched by my ability to see you.
The way you work in the church behind the scenes, but dedicate your whole heart to what you are doing is inspiring. The way you work with women as a doula and then after with nursing or anything else they need is incredible. God has gifted you with so many unique gifts and you take those gifts and use them every day as God presents the moments.
You are fearless. Well, let’s be honest, sometimes you are afraid but you meet the fear with God’s word. You take that fear and put it in its place before our Father and speak it out loud to another sister so that it no longer has power over you.
Your strength comes from the Lord, and no other man. You are married to Christ in a way that I maybe envy a little. You take that commitment as serious as a wedding vow.
I know you have suffered some because of how I wasn’t sensitive and I didn’t appreciate you as much as I should have. There have been several times when you have come and helped me and seen me when no one else did. You knew what was going on and you did something about it. You are always about prayer and action.
Within the church I know there have been times when others have hurt you by constantly talking about setting you up with someone, limiting your say on the mission team because you didn’t have a husband, overlooking you in conversation and in action. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you have suffered and I will do better and I pray that as a church body we will do better.
You bring so much to the church and church life and I know that any congregation you walk into, if it’s for one Sunday or 10 years, is blessed.
Thank you for being yourself and for being honest with others about how God shapes you and molds you in all different kinds of circumstances.
You are a prayer warrior and I thank you for always being ready to pray with me, pray for me or ask for prayers. I know that your life is in a very special waiting place right now and I can’t wait to see how God is going to work this out!
I love you, Sister!
Written by Corina Diaz, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
A couple of weeks ago I was deeply sad and found myself in darkness and grief. During one of those long nights, I glanced at a couple of letters that my younger brother had written me and that I often reread when I feel discouraged. I came across the following verse: 1 John 2:10. “Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble.”
Although I had read this letter and this verse many times, some questions arose: What does it really mean to walk in the light? Do I allow the light to be focused on me?
Light is a form of energy that usually emanates from and through a focal point. It is penetrating and fills the space it is in. When there is light, I can see the space around me. I can observe the obstacles of the road and in turn I let others see me on the road too.
So, I thought of this question: What comes first, those who love or those who remain in the light? Do you try to love first or go towards the light? Perhaps we have tried to love first before drawing near to the light. Perhaps I have to go to the light first to show myself to others and let myself be loved in order to love others. When I love others, I must be willing to show myself as I am. But how can I love others if I must be loved first to love well? Faced with my dilemma, I turned over just a few pages in my Bible to 1 John 4:19 where I found the answer: God loved us first!
Love gives us clarity to our own life and leads us to show the light to those who remain on the road. It draws us closer in order to encourage one another, and our burdens become lighter. The light also reveals when we stumble. When someone comes by my side and their lamp illuminates my path I become vulnerable. I have to let others see me as I am. The risk of walking in the light is that I show my imperfections, my failed attempts, my tears and my difficulties.
Love is letting my fellow sojourners bring their lamps closer to me and see how the path treats me so that they can help me to move further along.
I can see the light of Christ in those around me who take on the task of sharpening me, supporting me and encouraging me even when I'm not ready to continue. Praise God for all the thorns on the road and for the lights that come to us through His infinite love.