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“Make known among the nations what he has done…” (1 Chron. 16:8, Ps. 105, Is. 12:4)
I returned safely from South America yesterday.
What a blessing to proclaim among the nations what God has done in my life, what he can do in others lives, and what it means to walk with him and one another! It’s what Iron Rose Sister Ministries is all about: equipping women to connect to God and one another more deeply.
Thank you for your prayers that accompanied me on my travels.
And in the spirit of thanksgiving this month, how can you make known among the nations what he has done?

Throughout this three-week trip, I have been able to count many blessings, especially those for which we prayed specifically.
Before starting the list, I would like to recognize the blessing of you joining me in prayer. Thank you!
- No hassles when taking food through customs.
- Health and smooth logistics during travel.
- The opportunity to visit and encourage missionary and former coworker in Venezuela, Jonathan Hanegan (now serving in Buenos Aires, Argentina).
- Deeper connection, spiritual conversations, and prayer time with many women in all three cities.
- God spoke through me powerfully through the classes.
- God used me to inspire many women.
- The blessing of finally meeting Butch and Trish Sandoval, tremendous servants in the kingdom and lifetime missionaries to South America.
- The chance to meet many Bolivian Christians who are such a special part of the lives of Jeff & Katie Forbess and their family. (Katie is the IRSM Board President. She and her family were missionaries to Cochabamba for seven years.)
- Reconnection with friends I knew at Harding, Zane and Tae Perkins, missionaries to Santiago, Chile.
Other days, when I count my blessings, the list is not so glorious. Either way, when I count my blessings, the list serves as a reminder of the countless ways God has blessed my life—guided, protected, provided, and redeemed.
When I feel down or discouraged, the exercise of counting my blessings lifts my eyes, transforms my perspective, and renews my spirit.
What blessings can you count today?