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Whenever I make a list of things I am thankful for, water is always top on my list.
Clean water to drink and hot water for a shower both became more appreciated after living and traveling overseas.
But my spiritual perspective on the blessings of water has grown. I know that water is what cleanses and saves us (1 Peter 3:20-22, Acts 2:38).
However, we also see that water is personified as Living Water in Christ and through the Holy Spirit (John 4:13-14, John 7:37-39).
We never have to be without that water—the only water that will truly quench our thirst and make us clean.
Today, take a moment to give thanks for water, in all its forms, and for all its blessings.

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. Family and friends gather around a big table of food and, often, we go around the circle and each share something we are thankful for—a way in which God has blessed or guided us in the past year.
One of the best practices and attitudes we can have is one of thanksgiving.
When I am thankful, my needs and worries are put into perspective.
When I am thankful, I count my blessings and not my complaints.
When I am thankful, I remember how much God has done and how undeserving I am.
When I am thankful, I draw closer to the Great Provider and Author of all things good.
What are you thankful for today?