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Okay ladies, I don’t mean that. I am referring to the monthly opportunity and reminder to make the reflections from the month even more personal and practical through the Common Threads.
Yesterday, I encouraged you to serve as a hero of faith or mentor to someone else. We all want someone to cheer us on and encourage us in our walk of faith. So, today, I will offer you a specific tool to make that possible.
Give a friend a call, grab some coffee, send her a text, or set up a Skype appointment with a long-distance friend. Take the opportunity to share how you want to grow in your faith. Be specific and pray together over these things.

Who do you have in your corner cheering you on?
I have been blessed with a plethora of supporters and encouragers: family, friends, Christian brothers and sisters, mentors, and even a glorified cheerleader (self-proclaimed).
I stand on the shoulders of many men and women of faith who have shared their wisdom and knowledge to bless my own Christian walk.
Today, I want to honor them and recognize their place among the great cloud of witnesses mentioned in Hebrews 12:1-2. These verses refer to the heroes of faith mentioned in chapter 11 (aka the Great Hall of Faith), but our cloud of witnesses is not exclusive to the people from the biblical era.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.
Who in your life helps you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus? Take a moment today to thank them and find someone for whom you can serve as a hero of faith as well.
Feel inadequate to the task? Take a look back at Hebrews 11 and remember the imperfections of the heroes of faith. None were perfect, but they ultimately let their faith and not their failures define them.