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Did you forget to pre-order In God’s Right Hand: Whom Shall I Fear? and now you haven’t placed your order because you don’t want to pay for shipping? Well, here is your chance!
For two days only (until midnight CDT, Thursday, August 27), you can order a copy of In God’s Right Hand: Whom Shall I Fear? for yourself, for a friend, or for your ladies Bible study group without paying for shipping!
Spread the word and place your order today.
Spanish copies of the book are also available via the same link and for the same price.
All proceeds from the book go straight to the ministry and help subsidize books to Latin America.

This past month, in honor of the release of the new book (In God’s Right Hand: Whom Shall I Fear?), we have combined this month’s theme (Peace) with the selected theme for next month. “In the Hands of the Divine Gardener” will be the topic for September, but it is also the theme for the Destination Retreat the first weekend of October in Larkspur, Colorado.
There are still open spots for the retreat and we would love for you to join us! You can also look forward to a few teasers on the topic next month…
However, today, in light of the combined topics, I want to highlight the peace that can only be found in the hands of the Divine Gardener.
Only the Prince of Peace can author a peace that surpasses all understanding, which guards our hearts and minds. And I will only catch a glimpse of that peace unless I turn my life over to Him and leave my heart, soul, mind, and strength in His hands.
I am at peace when I feel secure—safe because I am fully trusting in God, leaving my life and the lives of those I care about in His hands.
Worry, stress, doubt, and anxiety steal my peace. These things overwhelm me when I have taken my life back into my own hands. However, when I turn it back into His hands, the peace that surpasses all understanding amazingly returns.
It really is that simple: when we leave our lives in God’s hands, we are filled with immediate and lasting peace. Give it a try and invite someone else to do the same!