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Today begins a three-day seminar on the book of Philippians in Chichicastenango, Guatemala.
I invite you to read the book with us multiple times over the next three days as we will be doing. Sixteen times in four chapters, Paul mentions something about Joy.
Joy is one of my favorite words and favorite concepts - and not just because it is my middle name.
Joy in suffering. Joy in doing things the opposite of the way the world would. Joy when we humble ourselves like Christ. Joy when we serve. Joy in salvation and in shining like stars. Joy and contentment in any and all circumstances.
How can you find joy today?
May the book of Philippians be a reminder to find the joy in life and an opportunity to reconnect with the ultimate source of Joy by hearing His voice through Scripture.

Desire and want can be overwhelming. They can possess a person and consume their thoughts and actions.
Recently, I was asked how I was going to live with a situation in my life that will most likely never change—ironic in light of how much has changed in my life in recent years…
But no matter what the circumstances, I think the answer is found in Philippians 4:12.
“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”
Paul´s contentment did not come naturally or immediately. It was learned.
I will learn to be content. I will learn not seek to satisfy that desire outside of my relationship with God. He will supply all my needs in Christ and continue to use me as a blessing for those around me as I live “content in any and every situation.”
Are you learning to be content?