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Written by Johanna Zabala, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Venezuela
Hope is an important part of the richness of the human heart, as it prepares us for the spiritual fruits of patience, faith, and peace. This means that, when thinking about hope, it ties us to faith and the love of God which are preciously linked.
When I think about hope, I feel like God’s heir through the firm conviction that there is eternal life (Tit. 3:7). This motivates me, through the Holy Spirit, to overcome difficulties and all kinds of obstacles that arise in this earthly life, thus living out total consecration to God.
Daily, we observe a society in turmoil due to so much evil, suffering, adversity, and problems. I believe this has caused many people to lose hope, not recognizing true hope in the Author of salvation, Jesus Christ (Heb. 12:2).
With this in mind, I would like to share an example of the current situation that we live in my country, Venezuela. Day after day, people suffer from the economic crisis: lack of sources for work, electricitye rationing by the State (between 2 to 4 hours a day), lack of basic food in many homes, including Christian homes. There are health care centers in poor condition, declines in the educational system, deterioration and lack of attention in various State institutions, and repression and persecution of anyone who opposes the government system.
Each of these situations has forged in us the spiritual character and the understanding that we should not put our trust in a political system or an earthly power, nor in the things we see or surround us since if we do, we will lose out conviction and hope of how real the promise of eternal life is. This situation has strengthened my spiritual life as a daughter of the Most High God, by trusting in His will at all times and having that intimate relationship with Him through prayer and study of His Word, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me to live in the spiritual and to do the will of God, with the peace and quietness of spirit that only He can give me (Rom. 5:1-5).
I should not put my hope in the things of this world (1 Co. 15:19). In my opinion, hope is certainty in the present and a firm expectation for the future, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ. It is for this reason that I emphasize lovingly bringing the hope of eternal life to everyone who is hopeless, and preaching to them the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of their soul.
When I begin to experience and understand God's plan and purpose in my life, I develop a deep relationship with Christ. I trust in His will, and I begin to take firm steps even in the midst of storms, for we were called to one hope (Eph. 1:18). Beloved sisters, we must understand that hope is a bond and an essential element that allows for a spiritual transformation, strengthens our faith, and gives us security and confidence in the power of God.
I encourage you not to lose hope because it brings spiritual blessings to our lives and the lives of our families, reflected in the following ways:
1. It leads us to praise and glorify God.
2. It causes us joy and rejoicing.
3. It renews us day by day.
4. It inspires us to live a life of holiness.
5. It inspires us to persevere.
6. It inspires us with security and firmness.
7. It inspires us with peace and tranquility.
Considering each of these aspects, we must not risk losing these blessings but rather live in holiness and obedience to please our God, longing in anticipation for His glorious coming, which is the foundation of our faith and hope.
Currently, as daughters of God, every first day of the week in each of our congregations, we announce the long-awaited coming of our Savior Jesus Christ through the worship service when we participate in the memorial of the Lord's Supper, which the apostle Paul speaks of in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, especially in verse 26, where he mentions that we wait, anticipate, and announce His coming or return. So, do you joyfully await the return of our Lord Jesus Christ?
Written by Karoline Diogo, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Campo Grande, Brazil
Beloved, I recently heard the phrase, “The good news is that there is oil for all of us, until Jesus returns!” Reflecting on this phrase, I read Matthew 25:1-13, the Parable of the 10 Virgins. This parable helps us to have hope in Christ’s return and to know if we are prepared for this event.
Being filled with the Holy Spirit is an individual decision. We can’t overflow with the Spirit and give a little to others. It’s a personal decision; God does not decide for us.
Like the virgins, we can analyze our Christian life—whether it’s on track or off. I often ask myself, and I ask you all so we can reflect together: What Christian life are we leading? How do we know if we are ready for Christ’s return? Matthew 24:36-37 says that we don’t know the day nor the hour, but the days will be like those of Noah: People were so consumed with worldly pursuits that they had no thoughts about the consequences God would impose. Have we already reached those days?
To be prepared we must be filled with the Holy Spirit, who is the fuel for our Christian life.
In Acts, we can see that a person who is filled with the Holy Spirit is fruitful, takes pleasure in serving the Lord, has a joyful life, is a promoter of peace and communion in the church, and has a powerful life before God and men.
In Luke 21:34-36, we read about the constant care we must have with our life and to look at our walk. We must be careful that no matter what happens in our life, we don’t lose our focus: CHRIST. Verse 36 tells us to be attentive and praying. Often with the rush of everyday life, we forget to take care of our spiritual life and we lose the way of salvation!
In Hebrews 12:14, we see that we need the process of sanctification to see the Lord. Being holy means being farther and farther away from sin and closer to God, focused on practicing the Word of God. In Ephesians 5:25-27, Paul speaks a little about how Christ sanctifies the church. Beloved, our hope in the things of God and in eternity is infinitely greater than the expectations of things of this world.
Read Revelation 21:1-14. This has to be our true hope! What is being prepared for us is incomparable to anything on this earth. Our expectations must be in eternity (Rom. 8:18).
Today I want to encourage you. Many of us don’t know the true meaning of hope, and when something bad happens we become discouraged with God. Revelation 3:8 is an encouragement for us to keep the Word of the Lord and practice it, just like in James 1:22, which tells us to not be just hearers, but doers. Our faith must be unshakeable in the face of opposition.
When thinking about a wedding like that in the parable, the following reflection came to me: “What is the entrance of a bride like?” Everyone wants to see her, but in reality, the bride wants to see the groom and the groom wants to see the bride! Did you get that? May we not lose our hope in Christ and when He comes, like the bride, may we be prepared and long see Jesus as He is. May we keep our hope alive and may we exalt Him on that day with much joy! Stand firm in the Lord Jesus Christ.
“Further, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you” (Phil. 3:1 NIV).