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I have had the blessing of meeting with Christian in many parts of the US and across Latin America. I have even met with congregations in Russia, Kazakhstan, Germany, and the Czech Republic. What most amazes me is how our sovereign God works abundantly and powerfully in each of these places. He is worshiped in various languages, cultures, and in diverse contexts. He is preached in church buildings, parkes, schools, and homes. My God is big enough.
It is easy to put God in a box – to put limits based on what we see, to restrict him by what is already known. But my God is big enough to be living and active in each of these distinct places – at the same time and in different ways. Yes. My God is big enough.
Our great and powerful God is also able to redeem any life. You may feel that you are beyond his reach or unworthy of his forgiveness. But my God is big enough.
Isaiah 59:1 “Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.”
Through Jesus’ blood, God has promised a welcoming invitation of redemption to all those that come to him. My God is big enough. Holy God is big enough for you too.
Take a moment to renew the way in which you see God. We have to remove the blinders and allow him to come out of the limiting box in which we have put him. Take a look around and see his loving hand, longing to rescue and redeem you.