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Redeemed: bought back. Holy: set apart for a purpose.
Redemption and holiness may appear to be an odd pairing for January themes, but they both speak to the resolutions and the time of renewal of purpose that come with a new year.
A redeemed person is clear about his/her identity. She realizes that her life is not her own – it is a gift from her heavenly Father to be lived to his glory. She was bought at a price and is now an adopted daughter of the King.
A holy person is clear about his/her purpose. She recognizes that the world and its ways hold no value – she has been set apart from all that it hinders and distorts. God brings definition and purpose to her life, guided by the Holy Spirit.
A holy redeemed daughter of the King keeps her focus clear. As the song goes, “This world is not my home.” And as Paul says in II Corinthians 4:18, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” If I look to the things of this world, I am filled with frustrations, worries, and burdens. By keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith, I am filled with faith, hope, and love.
I have never been big on New Year’s resolutions. However, I have established a few goals and priorities that help me remain clear in my identity, purpose, and focus:
· Daily time in the Word
· Constant communication with God through prayer
· Keep the main thing the main thing: I am a daughter of the King, called according to his purpose. With that identity, purpose, and focus clarified, I will see things from an eternal perspective and trust in God who is bigger than any circumstances.
How will you remain clear in your identity, purpose, and focus for 2015?
Verses for additional reflection: Hebrews 12:1-3, Ephesians 1:3-14, John 14:1-4, II Corinthians 5:7

The New York City ball and Atlanta peach have dropped as the nation counted down the last moments of 2014. Maybe your year was filled with joy, challenges, grief, or a new life added to the family. But today, January 1st, we each can start fresh, with a clean slate, redeemed, and holy: set apart for a purpose.
Iron Rose Sister Ministries (IRSM) is making a fresh start as well this year through our blog. We welcome you to our new format, focus, and design. And we invite you to journey with us as we explore a different spiritual concept each month through Scripture, guest blog posts, photos, and stories.
The primary purpose of Iron Rose Sister Ministries is to equip women to connect to God and one another more deeply. This blog will help accomplish that goal through Bible verses, devotionals, reflections, insights, and challenges.
An invitation to participate: Please comment and interact with the material we are presenting. It is a great way to create a supportive network across the Americas. We also would love for you to share your own thoughts, devotionals, photos, and stories as well! Please review the monthly topics listed below and contact us with a blog entry, a picture, a verse, or a personal story that would fit in one of the scheduled categories.
A special offer when you subscribe: When you subscribe to the IRSM blog (sign up to receive the blog to your email), you will receive a free download of our first ePetal study! It is called an ePetal study because it is offered exclusively online (e-/electronic) and it is a stand-alone lesson (a petal versus a rose). This ePetal study is focused on Ruth and Iron Rose Sister relationships. Designed to be studied on your own, then shared with a group, the ePetal study equips women to grow in their relationships with God and one another. Please encourage your friends to subscribe to our blog posts as well so they can also receive the downloadable ePetal study.
Subscribe to Blog - Iron Rose Sister Ministries by EmailMonthly Blog Themes:
January: Redemption and Holiness
February: Prayer (Prayer-a-thon Feb 24th)
March: Victory
April: Joy and Contentment
May: Community
June: Truth and the Abundant Life
July: Transformation
August: Peace
September: Fear or Faith?
October: Follow-up from Retreat: In the Hands of the Divine Gardener
November: Attitude of Gratitude
December: Hope and Love
What are you most excited about for 2015? Please comment below so that we can join you in prayer for those 2015 plans.