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As the northern hemisphere moves into fall, the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting cooler. The sun that illuminated and warmed the room each morning peeks in at a later hour, making it harder to get out of bed ready for the day.
Our bodies are programed with a circadian rhythm, which means that we function better when we are awake during the day and asleep at night. Just ask a nurse who works the night shift about how that can mess with your health and how hard they have to work to get adequate sleep during daylight hours. Ask an Alaskan who has only a few hours of daylight during the winter. Doctors have proven that our exposure to sun and daylight affects our physical and mental health. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression caused by a lack of exposure to sunlight.
For Wake-up Wednesday, let’s take a moment to reflect on the effects of waking up to Son-light or a lack of exposure to sufficient Son-light… Son-light illuminates our way, warms our soul, and prepares us to face the day. Our body and soul are made to crave a relationship with the Son of God. We function better physically and emotionally when we get adequate Son-light each day.
What blessing is the Son-light in your life?
I don’t remember being afraid of the dark as a child. My fear at bedtime was that I would miss out on the fun that took place after I went to bed.
There is a darkness that I have come to fear as an adult - not a physical darkness, although the penetrating darkness of a cave will make the most brave person cringe at the palpable void of light.
No, what I fear is spiritual darkness. It is a darkness that creeps into all aspects of our lives. It is gradual and deceptive. We dismiss the warnings that we are leaving the light. The first time it is harder to ignore, but as we get closer to the darkness, the twinges on our conscience quiet and we get more and more comfortable with shades of gray.
This is the darkness I fear for myself and for others - a darkness that is hard to recognize unless we are constantly walking in the light.
We are not likely to wake up in the morning and decide to live a day in darkness - physical or spiritual darkness. It is a process of slipping into a relationship or a lifestyle that draws us away from the light.
When we have become accustomed to the darkness, the light is blinding and we reject the source of life and warmth. My prayer for Transformational Tuesday is that we be transformed by the light.
“Everything exposed by the light becomes visible — and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.” (Eph. 5:13)