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As you've noticed, this week's posts have been inspired by my time on the farm with family. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to make that trip and am honored to have been blessed with a loving, supportive Christian family on both sides. Don't get any illusions - we're not perfect and have our problems, just like anyone else.
No matter what those problem or issue - past or present, I have the opportunity to look to pillars of the faith in my family as examples of faithfulness, love, and service.
As I mentioned on Tuesday, Grandpa feels twice blessed by the women in his life. On this Throwback Thursday, I would like to take a moment to honor the woman I grew up knowing as Grandma, Evelyn Rose. She is one of the familial pillars of faith whose example I have been blessed by,
As Grandpa said at her funeral in April 1995, "So long, Evelyn." You are remembered and deeply loved.

We were just getting started on our all-night drive back to Denver. It had been a great weekend visiting Grandpa on the farm. I was in the back seat with Kadesh Austin, my almost two-year-old nephew, named after Grandpa, Dean Austin.
Turns out they have more than a name in common. As we got on the road, I took out the iPad to do some writing. Kadesh had a better idea. He wanted to hold my hand as he tried to fall asleep. Who am I to argue? I closed the iPad and took the time to hold Kadesh's hand.

We looked at the stars, delighted in the full moon, and pointed out the cars driving by. He soon fell asleep and I returned to my writing, glad I had taken a moment to hold his hand and enjoy the mutual love and relationship between us.
I was reminded of a similar moment sitting on the couch with Grandpa this weekend. He had a granddaughter on each side and, while seated there, we grasped each other's hands. We held hands as we prayed before each meal. There were many special moments taken by holding each other's hands.
My encouragement to you on this Wake-up Wednesday is to take a moment to hold someone's hand - your spouse, a child, a grandparent... There are many who would greatly appreciate a loving touch and you will be blessed by taking a moment and making a special memory.