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My grandpa says he doesn't know what he did to be twice blessed by wonderful women that agreed to marry him. A few years after my Grandma died, he married Marietta, who he has now been married to for 16 years.
Marietta has a tremendous heart of service. Even at 86, she barely lets us in the kitchen to help cook or clean up after an elaborate, delicious meal she has loving prepared for all of us. In the past few years, we've finally been able to sneak in the kitchen before she does and help with the dishes.
During this visit, after catching a total of 13 large-mouth bass in the farm pond, we wanted to honor her and Grandpa in our final evening there. We invited them to the barn/hotel where we were staying for supper where we had fried up the fish, made hush puppies, baked potato fries, coleslaw, and a chocolate, peanut butter parfait for dessert.
Not only was the food delicious and the company outstanding, but one of the most precious parts of the evening was being able to serve Mary. Always the perfect hostess, we were finally able to serve her. It was transforming for everyone.
On this Transformational Tuesday, I encourage you to serve someone who is always the one serving you. And if you're always the one serving, allow someone else to serve you today. For everyone involved, it will be transformational.
We were on the long stretch of I-80, cutting across Nebraska from Denver toward Blockton, Iowa, population 250. It was a road trip with my parents – filled with diverse topics of conversation, naps, and corn fields. I left a few days early with them. Other family members joined us on the farm for the weekend.

In an effort to have some productive time on the road, I charged the laptop and the iPad and prepped my parents regarding my desire to get some writing done on the road. I lost so many days with my vision blurred by the virus on my corneas, I have a lot of catching up to do.
There is a philosophy and practice that many have adopted for increased productivity: Do what you can when you can. This mentality gives us encouragement to make the most of the time we’ve been given, but also can give us permission to let go of what we can’t do.
I share the picture of myself typing on a road trip as an encouragement to do what you can when you can, but also as a reminder that we can’t always do it all when we want to.