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Here in Denver, Colorado, we are feeling the heat of summer. Thankfully, it cools off some in the evenings and is much more bearable than the hot, humid summers in Louisiana. I kept reminding myself of that contrast when I got overheated on a walk through the neighborhood last week.

The bigger contrast is that it's currently winter in the Southern Hemisphere. I was in Buenos Aires, Argentina, conducting a women's conference on the topic of Delight! at the beginning of June. I was amazed by the fall colors on the trees in the Botanical Garden.
The same week that friends of mine in the U.S. were sweating through their weeks of summer camp, I was with Argentines welcoming in the winter months.
I was reminded that while we are often unaware of the opposite weather patterns in the opposite hemisphere, we can be equally unaware of the different seasons of life in which others find themselves.
You may be going through a time in your life that feels like winter - desolate, discouraging, lacking life, and apparently never-ending. At that same time, others around you may be in a season like summer - full of life, outdoor activities, and totally unaware of the warm embrace you long for through your winter.
My encouragement on this Makeover Monday is that you take a moment to makeover your perspective on your own season of life and the seasons others find themselves in. We can be an encouragement to each other no matter what the contrast of stages where we each are.
Tomorrow is Independence Day for the United States of America. Grills are fired up. Fireworks are prepped. Baseball games are attended. Sunscreen is lathered.
It is all in celebration of the independence declared from England for taxation without representation and religious persecution back in 1776.
No matter what country you find yourself in today, take a moment to thank God for the freedom to worship Him at any time in any place. Also, send up a prayer for God to bless your country and its leaders.
Finally, on this Throwback Thursday, I’ll share with you a picture of an Atlanta Braves game I attended back in 2008 on 4th of July weekend.