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Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1 NIV)
Faith, as the author of Hebrews defines it, is based on things that we cannot see or tangibly know to be true. We believe them to be true and trust that we can place our hope in God and His truths found in Scripture.
However, what happens when our faith waivers – when we start to focus on what we can see and not on things eternal? Is it because we are not exercising our faith and keeping it in the forefront of our minds?
How many of you studied a 2nd language in school? How much do you remember of that language? There is an expression I have often quoted to those whom I have taught Spanish. “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” This is not only true of a 2nd language, but is also true of our faith.
If we do not exercise our faith and keep it at the forefront of our minds, we will lose it. We will lose faith in He who is faithful and we will become less certain of what we hope for and less sure of what we do not see.
My encouragement to you on this Makeover Monday is to exercise your faith. Take a moment to remind yourself of some of the basic truths on which you place your faith.
Being in Baton Rouge we have experienced a lot of Southern hospitality and graciousness. Not only has our family been blessed to be together while Jeff studies Chinese but we have tried to share in Chinese and Louisiana culture. This of course includes food. Last Saturday, per Michelle’s suggestion we went to Coffee Call and had beignets! They were wonderful and our kids’ feet didn’t touch for the floor for about two hours after devouring the fried delight covered several times in powered sugar! Then on Wednesday we made dumplings with Jeff’s tutor and they were excellent! We have had other culinary feasts during our time here and we are planning to end our time here with a Chinese potluck after Chinese services on Sunday the 29th.
All this food makes me reflect on how I approach the feast of God’s word. Do I look at it as a fine culinary opportunity with expensive plates and small amounts of beautiful food that lack true flavor? Or do I look at it like my son as he feasted his eyes on beignets for the first time?

Yesterday Michelle mentioned the word “attack” and today it puts the final touch on Food and Family Friday. My son enthusiastically says this phrase after our family prayer in honor of a great Godly man that we know and love, Butch Sandoval. Butch not only has taught us not only about great Argentine food and how he lovingly prepares it for others but about how to love and enjoy God’s word with the same gusto or pleasure. So today I leave you with a charge to open God’s Word and proclaim “Al ataque!” Attack!