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As mentioned yesterday, reading books is paramount to the growth of any child. It is an honor and a privilege to read to a child and to open their eyes to the power of words. Books teach us about who we are and how the world is. As we get older, books spark our imagination and make the characters come alive as a movie will never do. We identify with the characters and lose ourselves in the story.
While I love the moments when my nephew sits on my lap and we read the same story over and over again, I swell with joy when I see him take a book and “read” it on his own.
For today’s Food and Family on Friday reflection, I pray that you can rekindle the joy of reading the Word of God – for yourself and for your family.

I grew up reading Dr. Seuss and Golden Books; later, I transitioned to Nancy Drew and Chronicles of Narnia. The Bible was, of course, always on the reading list as well.
I remember reading and being read to. Books, for me, always opened a world of discovery, imagination, and adventure. I still enjoy reading children’s stories and because of my nephew, I have a few memorized.
I know that I have my family to thank for fostering a love of reading and a love of books: a vital quality to pass on to children. May we all facilitate a love for words and for The Word of God.
Throwback Thursday picture reading with Grandma Cobb.