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My dad made an interesting point recently. He said to me, “Seeing how much work you put into the books you’re writing, it makes me wonder how much work Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, and those guys put into their writing.”
We all know those writers were inspired by God and guided by the Holy Spirit (II Peter 1:20-21). I do not pretend to put myself on the level of those men, but my dad’s comment got me thinking… I believe I have been called by God to share His truths with women. I trust that through study and through prayer, the Holy Spirit is guiding me in what to and what not to say, how to communicate it effectively, and how to equip, inspire, and empower women in their spiritual journey in community.
So, my question is this: Are we called to work and study or rely solely on the Holy Spirit’s inspiration? Which did the writers of the Bible do?

I have two pair of boots that I wear often. One is a pair of high-heeled leather boots that I wear to church, to speaking engagements, and even to travel. The other is a pair of walking boots. They’re good for winter as they are waterproof and they are great for hiking.
The other day, my car was stuck against an embankment of snow after having slid on the ice. I was wearing my high-heeled leather boots having come straight from church that morning and while they were sufficient for assessing the situation, they were not going to work for pushing the car toward a place where I might get more traction.
Thankfully, since I was headed to the cabin and my car was packed with all kinds of supplies, I put on my more practical boots, ready on the front seat, and proceeded to push the car at an angle that gave me the traction I needed to continue on my way.
My question for you on this Transformational Tuesday is, “Is there an area in your life in which you are clinging to vanity or the wrong ‘boots’ for the job?” As much as I love my high-heeled leather boots and enjoy wearing them when the time is right, I had to set them aside in order to get out of my stuck state.