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Hospitality is defined by some as entertaining strangers unawares. In the south, you are hospitable if you have coffee ready to share at a moment's notice. (Community Coffee if you're in Louisiana!)
For me, hospitality was always about having people into my home, cooking way too much food, talking with people while we cooked together, and never allowing anyone to leave hungry. My roommates in Atlanta and Denver agreed whole-heartedly with this philosophy and I took it to a whole new level in my own apartment in Caracas - hotel Michelle as it was affectionately called by many. And you can imagine how many college students in Baton Rouge took advantage of a place to hang out, drink tea, and eat food whether in my house or in my office at the Christian Student Center. I love the aspect of ministry that makes people feel at home: warm, welcome, and well-fed.
Since moving to Denver and not having a house of my own, I have had to redefine hospitality. I've realized it's more of a spirit than any specific action or location. I looked to the example of Jesus, who I would consider to be hospitable, yet never had a home or even a consistent place to lay His head. So, in the spirit of hospitality, I have been known to invite myself over to other people's houses to cook.
What spiritual concept are you needing to redefine?
Exactly one year ago, at the beginning of January 2013, God was bringing various dreams and ideas to a more concrete conclusion in the direction of a new bilingual ministry. January 7th was when the name started to come to me… January 8th brought some research and more intense prayers… January 9th brought the full image of the logo and name of Iron Rose Sister Ministries together as a full-fledged vision… January 10th, the conversation with my sister, Kim, to see if their offer still stood to move in and therefore launch this new ministry from Denver… January 11th, my dad asked one of my best friends to pick up a dozen roses from the store and deliver them to me with a note of love and support. My tear-filled conversation with her sharing the vision and mission of this new ministry was just the start of what God was doing in my life and what He had planned to do through me.
I mention these things from a year ago as a total God-story. One that He is still writing and one which I will share the next chapter of next Saturday…